Your Promises Look Like Lies


"I'm fine!" I croaked as he rushed in, a worried look on his handsome face.

"You're clearly not Lauren!" He exclaimed as he took my hand, his eyes scanning my bruised body.

I shrugged "Cut on my head, broken arm and bruised ribs...I think I'll survive."

"I was so worried when Bailey phoned, her and Kaya are in the waiting room," He explained, his fingers brushing my hair out of my eyes "They both forced me into coming in first."

"I'm fine," I insisted with a smile, a warm feeling spreading through my insides at his, Bailey and Kaya's concern "Honestly James."


I sped into the hospital, Shannon by my side and Matt and Tomo at our heels.

"We're here to see Lauren Hough," I said breathlessly as I planted both hands on the recpetion counter top.

"Second floor, Room 22," The woman smiled before we raced off once more, heading up the stairs.

Skidding round the corner we set our eyes on Bailey and a tearful looking Kaya.

"Hey Jared," Bailey greeted "Shannon, Tomo, Matt."

"Is she okay?" I asked in a worried tone, the tears lining Kaya's eyes unnerving me.

"She's fine," Bailey reassured me as she put an arm around her daughter's shoulders "Kays just got a it scared."

I sat beside the small girl with a relieved sigh as she glanced up to me and the rest of the guys sat opposite us.

"You're Jared Leto."

I smiled "You're Kaya...?"

"Eckles," She replied with an amused grin.

I managed to hide the shock of hearing that last name as I repeated "Kaya Eckles."

"Also known as Jordan Catalano?"

I chuckled and nodded slightly "Long time ago but yes, that would be me."

"And you guys are in that band Aunt Lauren listens to all the time recently aren't you?" As she said Lauren's name she nodded in the direction of the room we were sat in front of.

A soft smile came to my lips "She listens to us?"

"We all do," She nodded, Bailey had moved across to start a conversation with Tomo "My So-Called Life is my favourite show."

"That's great to hear," I replied, placing a comforting arm around her "So is your Aunt in there?" As she nodded I continued "You're probably too old for this but do you wanna make faces at her through the window?"

An amused look came to her face, replacing the sad one I'd been trying to get rid of, as she glanced over to check her mom was still deeply distracted "Yeah okay."

We crept across the small floor space, only Shannon noticing us and managing to keep it to himself.

My heart pounded and the smile slid from my face as I glanced though the glass, lifting Kaya as she was still that little bit too short.

A gash stretched across her perfect forehead, her arm encased in a cast...James holding onto her hand.

"Shall I knock?"

I swallowed that lump in my throat "If you want sweetie."

Lauren glanced up with a smile as she heard the tap and me and Kaya put on out silliest faces. My heart flipped as James also smiled, placing a kiss on her temple.

It should have been me...
♠ ♠ ♠
In an updating mood nowadayss :)))
Got so many ideas for this story...

The end part of this was thought up while watching Scrubs - the one where Elliot gets engaged and it show's JD in the shower thinking that it should have been him...

Gets me EVERYTIME that episode :( lol

I hope it came across as good with Jared and Lauren :)