Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Seventeen

Cherise POV:

I walked back into the living room; everyone was sprawled here and there. Gerard, Frank and Luciana were awake, all three looked at me as I came in and all three smiled.

"Come on, come sit down." Luciana said quietly, so as not to wake the others. I had hardly seen Luciana all night, what with everything going on.

The night before Frank’s sleepover I had called her. We'd started talking and she'd admitted that she fancied Mikey, and I'd admitted about Gerard. I'd not been surprised about her liking him, he was a great guy, and she'd talked of little else since I’d met her. She however had been surprised about Gerard,

"But he's so...dark," she had said, "Mikey is a lot happier."

"`What do you mean 'dark'?" I said then.

"Well, sad, y'know, a loner."


"So nothing! I was just saying is all!"


I leaned against her, opposite Gerard and beside Frank. I smiled at Gerard; I still hadn't said thank-you to him for earlier. He smiled back. I could see some sort of something, a something that he was hiding something.
Before I could ask what was wrong, Frank said,

"And now the real fun begins." We all turned to him, he had an evil smile on, and he said,

"The game? Lions Den."
Gerard laughed, almost darkly, under his breath.

"What's Lions Den?" I said, not knowing if I wanted to know,

"You pick someone sleeping and try to wake them up. If they wake up you pretend to be asleep, if they guess it was you, you lose, got it?"

"Yeah. Who you picking Lu?"


"I'll help, four awake, three asleep. It's only fair."

"I'll get Matt," said Gerard quietly.

"And I," grinned Frank "get Toro," he turned to me, "my favourite victim."

Luciana set upon the sleeping Mikey. He'd forgotten to take his glasses off and was snoring lightly; Luciana took away his glasses,

"Got anything to tie him with?" I looked at her as if she had just said she was a llama. Luciana, and bondage, surprising...

"I'll ask. Hey guys?"


"Yeah?" came the replies,

"Got any string?"


"Yes." Gerard walked over and handed me a ball of string, some had already been used.


"No problem." he said quietly before skulking away to wake Matt. Luciana smiled at me in a smug way, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

We had tied him into his sleeping bag and had begun to spike his hair, thus pulling a load out by strands, when a voice shouted,

What had Frank done?
It was hard for me not to laugh.
Rays hair was in two blonde plaited pigtails and Frank had silly stringed on a rather artful bow.

We found Frank five minutes later, crying with laughter and hiding in a cupboard.

Matt and Mikey had both woken up and been unable to move, both tied into their sleeping bags, both a little worried at first, having heard a shout and not being able to move,

It was the best sleepover I had ever been to...at the time.


Gerard POV:
I couldn't blame Matt. He doesn't know about how Mikey feels or how...Cherise...feels. Or me. But you don't just launch yourself on a person the first chance you get! It's just not right!

When I gave Cherise my string I had already tied Matt up. I didn't say much to her. I couldn't think of much to say...yet. I was constantly thinking.

"Matt?" I whispered, shaking him. "Matt!" and shaking him harder, until he opened one bleary eye.

"Wha? Wa ho ya wa?" I was confused.


"What do you want?"

"To talk to you. No don't try to move, just listen. I know what happened,"

"With what?"

"With Cherise."

"Oh yeah." I could have smacked him there and then.

"Yeah. Why did you do it?"

"Well, she's hot." His simple answer stopped me in my spool, and more anger than before began to build.

"Is that it?!"


"But you know that Mikey-."

*God what had Frank done now? *