Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Two.

Gerard’s POV-
I knew an argument waited for me if I got caught out of bed, but so far so good. I had walked aimlessly away from my house for the last 45 minutes or so and had decided to turn back.
I was drawing near my house, the events of the last couple of days streaming through my head. Why Dani, it just doesn’t make sense. I could see it now, the guys would abandon me and I’d be the outcast once more. I would get back to my drawings and-
I decided I needed a cigarette. I walked slower, finding and lighting a cigarette. I took a deep drag and blew the smoke up into the air, marvelling at the way the streetlight shone through the smoke as it rose quickly out of sight. As I brought my head back down I looked at the house across from mine. The old people who had lived there had moved to California for their retirement. As I glanced across at it I saw, in the highest window on the left, a face, the face of a girl. I didn’t know whether she was looking at me. I came to a slow stop and took a look around myself, as if I was looking for something. When I looked again she hadn’t moved.

No lights were on as I walked up to my house, good no-ones up, I thought as I quietly let myself in. If I woke up Mom or Dad they’d ground me, or try to at least. Not that they’d be here to make sure I stayed inside. They were going away for a couple of weeks early next morning.

"Where have you been?" came a quiet voice behind me.

I turned slowly to face Mikey, kid brother extraordinaire,

"Jesus Mikey! I thought I was busted for a sec there!" I wasn’t really angry with him, just a little pissed off. I looked at him laughing silently to himself, enjoying my momentary fear,

"Bed Mikey."


"C’mon, bed. Now!"

"And why would I do that?" he said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Because if you don’t I’ll tell mom about the time you broke into the empty house across the street..." He furrowed his eyebrows at me,

"That didn’t happen Gee!" I smiled evilly at him.

"And who's gonna know that? Go!"

"Fine." Mikey stomped off so I could get to my own bed.

I hadn’t forgotten about the girl, I saw her watching me, and I liked it. Id seen something about her I liked, and had already started my plan for the next day.
Roll on the summer.