Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Three

*Urg! What time is it?
I'm going back to sleep...*

as good an idea as that was I knew I wouldn't be able to. Once I’m awake, I’m awake.
It didn't help that I could hear voices shouting outside. Loud, pissed off, voices. Great start to my first day (!)

I had got dressed in my black off-the-shoulder top and three quarter length jeans to fit with the sun outside. I went down the many stairs to the ground floor of the house to find some breakfast.

"Cherise, in here." I walked into the kitchen to see my dad reading the local paper.

"Morning sunshine."

"Humph" I replied. I hadn't slept much.

"Sleep well?"

"Yes." I lied. I already knew my dad would have found something for him to do, an exhibition or something.

My father is an art buyer and seller, and as a result there were at least forty flat-pack-bubble-wrapped boxes containing the paintings he buys. Sometimes it does my head in, at others? Well, let's just say I’m glad he doesn't collect garden gnomes.

"I just read an advert for an art museum thirty miles away, fancy tagging along?" No, what I fancy is going back to England and see my friends and family, you idiot.

"No thanks dad. I just thought I’d hang around town today, you know, get used to it all." And after that he got himself ready, and drove off.

I'd just fixed myself a bowl of cereal; the only sort of food dad had got with the local paper and milk. Lucky Charms. I'd never had them before so I was wary of them, but surprisingly I liked them.

I was just finishing my bowl when I heard a knock on the front door.

"Coming, hang on!" I yelled. I let my spoon crash down and wondered whop could be knocking, we'd only just moved in!

"Hi!" I opened the door to find a scrawny guy about my age, maybe a little younger, dirty blonde hair, and glasses (*why do glasses suit everyone except me? *) smiling and offering his hand as he said,

"I'm Mikey I just thought I’d come introduce myself as you're new around here." I smiled and took his hand, he went bright red,

"Cherise," I said " pleased to meet you." Mikey smiled nervously.

"Cool, you're English then?" noting my out-of-place accent

"Born and bred," I smiled "you want a drink or something?"

He kind of looked behind and then glanced at his wrist before rushing to say,

"No thanks, alright, I’ve got to meet someone, but thank anyway, Bye!"
I shut the door as he walked hurriedly away.