Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Four

Gerard POV:
I woke up with an entire plan formulated in my head for that day: To find out who that girl was. I looked out of the sitting room window at her house. She wasn't up yet, her drapes weren't open.

My hair was sticking up at odd angles when I looked, but it didn't matter yet. What mattered now was talking to Mikey.

Mikey was out front lying on the grass with his eyes closed.

"Hey Gerard." he said calmly.

" How'd you know it was me?"

"Let's think shall we," he began "Mom and dad are away and the guys aren't coming over till two. Call it a lucky guess." I was surprised that the guys would consent to come over at all after what had happened, but I was glad. I took that opportunity to flick Mikey's nose.


"I need a favour."

"You need a therapist!" he shouted

"Mikey please!" I shouted back

"K. what's up?"

"I want you,"


"to go across the street,"


"and find out who's living there." I paused a moment.



"You do it." By now I was really ready to pinch my little squirt of a brother until he squealed like a pig.

However at that point a tall ordinary looking man, who DEFINATELY wasn't the girl I’d seen last night came out of the door of the house opposite, got into the car parked outside, and drove off.

"Look," I said, standing up and pointing across the street "there might not be anyone there!"

"Then why knock?"

"Just do it Mikey," I knew he would, “just wait for me to go inside, ok?"

"'Kay." he mumbled. He wasn't good with new people, but I couldn't go myself could I?
I went into the front room and peered through a tiny gap in our drapes. Mikey saw me.

*You are so lame. * He mouthed, and walked off across the street.

Mikey POV:

*You are so lame. * I mouthed at Gerard through the glass. He knew that, and he was OK with that, but it helped me to be the one to remind him every once in a while.

Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he's overly weird. I can say that because I’m pretty weird too.

I was walking across the street; doing this foolish errand Gee had sent me on. I knocked on the door.

"Coming, hang on!" came the muffled reply, a girls voice to be sure.
I'd never expected to see what I saw when that door swung open.

"Hi." I said stupidly to the vision before me. I kept looking into her eyes. They were just so big, surrounded by glasses. And her lips, *God Mikey! Say something! * I was standing on her porch, not saying anything like a fool. Great.

"I'm Mikey I just thought I’d come introduce myself as you're new around here." I knew I had spoken far to fast and by the end was tomato red, but I couldn't help it. She was so beautiful. My hand had somehow managed to stick itself out in front of me, inviting a handshake. She smiled, an enchanting smile, took my hand and said,

"Cherise, pleased to meet you." I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her beautiful voice, like dripping honey, smooth and comforting,

"Cool," I said, and trying to keep her talking I blurted out "you're English then?" I could have slapped myself there and then.

"Born and bred," she smiled again, "you want a drink or something?"

It was only then I remembered Gerard, and I checked if he was coming out of the house to come too or something, pretended to look at my watch and quickly said

"No that’s alright I’ve got to meet someone but thanks anyway, Bye." I turned around and walked off, mentally kicking myself. Cherise, such a name...

"So who is she? What did she say?" Gerard assaulted me with questions, but I was too wrapped up in my own mind to answer coherently.

"Nothing much," I said, trying to cover up the constant image of her I had of her in my mind,
"Her name's uh..." I pretended to forget,"Cherise, I think. She's English."
And I think I’m falling for her...

Gerard POV (again):
I watched as someone opened the door. It was definitely the same girl, but she had glasses. I saw Mikey stick out his hand, and her shake it, smiling. Smiling at Mikey.

God this plan could go horribly wrong. She said something, gesturing for them to go inside, thankfully I saw Mikey look back at the window I was at and shake his head. To which she waved goodbye and shut the door.

"So? Who is she? What did she say?" I said as soon as Mikey came in

"Nothing much. Her name's uh...Cherise I think. She's English."

"Oh cool." I said.

I have to meet her myself.