Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Seven

Gerard’s POV:

"Smooth Mikey, real smooth." Mikey had just told me about the encounter with "some girls" dad.

"So what's her name?"

"It doesn't matter, you don't know her."

"Well maybe I need to." he looked at me. I love making him sweat,


"To make sure she's treating my little brother right!" For some reason he'd been quiet and snappier than usual since he'd got back. Something was playing on his mind.

Not that I didn't have my own problems. The portrait of Cherise I’d been working on wasn't going well, and Mikey had almost seen it! I'd probably die of shame if my little brother knew I had a crush on Cherise. He didn't even know I’d met her yet. Not that it's any of his business.
He'd probably just get worried about what happened last time...

*FLASHBACK* 3rd Person POV:

The fire in her eyes burned with a righteous fury. The words she spoke were filled with reckless venom.

"I bet you never even loved me, did you?" He lifted his head quickly in the dark to look into her eyes, shocked,

"How could you even SAY such a thing?" he was hurt, but carried on,

"Would you marry me Gerard?" she spat, her loaded words cut through the air like knives.

"Yes," he said quietly "and I still could." She gave a short contemptuous laugh.

"For the babies sake?" she sneered

"Yes," he replied, his anger began to rise with each new word he spoke,
"if you want the truth, I loved you once, and maybe I still do. But right now? Only for our unborn baby."

His words hung in the air as they stared each other down. They remained like that until she looked away. She could hardly say the next words.

"It's gone."


"I got rid of it." There it was. Simple as that. And he knew that when she got rid of that baby, she got rid of him too. He took he chilling face in his hands, brushing aside her long blonde hair to lean forward and whisper in her ear,

"Why Dani? Why?" Before turning and running away.

Gerard POV:

I knew I wouldn't let anything like that happen to me, or even Mikey, ever again.
*I just hope I know what I'm doing! *

Cherise POV:

I heard something in the hall, and went to... investigate. I was in my red silken pyjamas. They made a gentle brushing sound as I walked. As I turned the table lamp on I saw a piece of A4 paper, no wait, an A4 envelope. It said Cherise on the front in neat handwriting.

"What the?"
I opened it excitedly, and gasped. The paper in my hands was filled with painted roses, red and black, surrounding a painting of... me! It was an uncanny likeness, if a little, well, a LOT prettier. There was no address, no name, and no clues. But it was the best present I had ever received.

Gerard POV:

I leaned against the side of the house and lit a cigarette. Would she open the door? Had she found it?
*God* my heart was pumping rapidly in my dying chest.
Now I just need to start a conversation...