Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Eight

Cherise POV:

*Voice 1: Why are you even THINKING about telling him?
Voice 2: He deserves to know the truth; it's not as bad as you think...
Voice 3: How come he looks cute in glasses and I just look stupid and geeky? *

It was finally sunny again. Mikey and I were in the backyard on a pair of swings left by a previous owner.
I had decided to lie.

"My mum and dad, well, they're divorced." It wasn't really lying, more a half truth.

"Oh." Mikey looked a bit sheepish about why my mum didn't live with my dad and I.

"It's ok," I said to him quietly "I’ve dealt with it now. But I still miss her."

"Why don't you go and see her?" I thought about it for a moment. Why didn't I?
I'd stayed silent for a little too long.

"I don't know." He knew that was all he was getting out of me, so he changed the subject.

"So you been out and about yet?"

"Yeah I went to that comic book place, um, down by the corner,"

"I know the one you mean."

"I made a friend. Her name's Luciana, the till girl that works there. She said she knew you."

"Really? Oh yeah, I see her at school sometimes."

"Yeah," I thought of something she'd said, " she also told me something about you that you didn't."

Mikey POV:

I couldn't help but look away. She knew. But what did she know? There's so much I want to tell Cherise myself. That Gerard and I were brothers, that we lived across the street. Or how I felt. I braced myself.

"You never told me you played bass!" *Thank God* "that is so cool!" I didn't let my relief show...much

"Oh? Oh yeah, yeah. I could show you if you like."

"Sounds good. Say, four tomorrow, back here?"

"Sure." *shit is that the TIME???* "I gotta go just now, band practice."

"You have a BAND!" I'd gotten out of my swing to leave

"Yeah. Do you wanna come to tomorrows practice instead? I’m sure the guys wont mind."

"Alright what time's it start?"

"Three thirty- here," I scrambled around in my pockets for a pen and a scrap of paper, finding it I scrawled down Rays address, "I'll see you then." I left.
*Shit, what I have I just done? *

Gerard POV:

I could hear something. Something ringing... the phone!


"Hi, is this Gerard?" I recognised the voice


"Oh thank God it's you! I was worried I was gonna get the local pizza place or something!" I smiled, she has a way of making me do that.

"Cherise what are you doing tomorrow?" Why I asked? I honestly couldn't tell you!

"Um, nothing until the afternoon, why?"

"Do you wanna meet me for lunch or something?" *what am I doing! *

"Sure. What time?" *Really?! GO ME!!!*

"Uh, 11:30? I'll pick you up from yours."

"Ok. See you then. Bye Gee." She hung up.

"Bye Cherise."