Well After All We'll Lie Another Day.

Chapter Nine.

Gerard’s POV:

"So... next question?"
I thought hard. Screwing up my eyes and nose, sticking my tongue out. She giggled at me I love her laugh.

"Um, brothers and sisters?" I asked

"None, you?" I rolled my eyes,

"One, a very annoying little brother."

We were sat in a small coffee shop up in the town. Her gentle hands were wrapped around an Iced Tea, raspberry flavour. I loved just watching her sip her drink through a straw, listening to whatever I was saying, actually paying attention. I loved the fact that her tongue had gone a bright pink from her drink. I loved watching the enthusiasm with which she spoke.

We had sat there for an hour and a half, at the very least, talking about pretty general stuff, age, interests, music, and now families.

"I live with my dad. I use to live in England. And now I’m here, and bemused to say the least." she smiled. I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to listen to her forever. But I knew I had to say something.

"Yeah, I live with my brother and parents. I'm thinking of moving when I leave school, but not too far. I love them too much."

"Ok. Best childhood memory to date?"

"Tricky..." I thought back, "it was probably this one winters night, not long before Christmas. We'd packed a picnic, of all things, and made our way out of town into a large and frosty field. We sat there all day, until the stars came out. I think I was 12. Yours?" She sat there thinking. So far I had found out her favourite colour, flavour ice cream, that she liked a lot of the music I liked, and that she sang. She didn't know I sang yet, not that I’m going to tell her or anything. I wanted to hear her sing.

"Fishing." I nearly choked on my coffee,

"What?! Really?"

"Yes! Don't be so surprised Mr Way! I was six, maybe seven, and my mum and dad took my fishing. I can't remember much else apart from being happy." She looked down into her drink, and I stared at her. Her long hair had created a veil across her face. But I could see something was wrong.

"Cherise? You OK?" It was if she'd only just noticed my being there. Her head snapped up, the soft overhead light catching of her glasses

"Yeah I’m fine. What time is it?" I shook back the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing,

"Quarter to 5." *SHIT*

Cherise' eyes widened.

"What! I was meant to be somewhere hours ago! I'm sorry Gerard. I have to go!"

"Me too! I'll give you a call yeah?" She looked into my eyes and smiled,

"Ok. I'll see you around." I was confused, she sounded sceptical.

"What is it?" She shook her head vigorously, "no really, what is it? I had a good time today. Tell you what, I’ll give you a ride home." She looked at me. I couldn't find any particular emotion there.

"Ok," she sounded relieved, " thank you Gerard."

Mikey POV:

I sat in my lounge.
Gerard didn't turn up at Rays.
That upset me.
Neither did Cherise.
That upset me more.
They were together.
I knew it.

Gerard had again taken the attentions of someone I liked. It's not his fault he's so much better than me. It's just a little too much sometimes. To be the little brother of someone so much more favoured than me.
I looked out onto the road outside. Two people were walking along. I knew who they were.
Cherise and Gerard. They HAD been together. I slid back on my chair and pretended to be asleep. The worst had happened, she'd gone forever.