
Chapter 2

Alice stared at the toilet bowl full of throw-up mixed with blood, and thought that she would soon join the girl in throwing up.

“Abbey! You didn’t!”

Alice turned and saw Larissa standing in the opposite doorway than the one that she had walked through. The now named Abbey smiled at Larissa, “Yeah, she just wanted a break. Its kay though I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

Larissa walked over and picked the sick girl up, “come on you need sleep.” Abbey leaned against Larissa’s back as though she was Abbey’s mother, her long strawberry hair covering her face. “Newbie go through door, only me and my roommate are allowed in our room.”

Alice watched as she slammed the door leaving Alice alone in the room, “She’s a lot different than when we met her…..maybe that’s her sister.” She entered her room again and sighed, “I need something to decorate…make it look a little like home.”


Alice heard her step-brother’s voice from the hallway, and as usual he was yelling. “I DON’T


Alice walked into the hallway to find Cassidy blocking the door to Larissa’s room; Leland had the look that he always got right before he used his power. Alice ran and grabbed his arm, “I’m okay! Don’t lose control!”

Leland looked at Alice, “What the hell is goin on!?!”

Larissa pushed the door open making Carissa fall on the floor, “Our friend got sick, Alice here saw and screamed. No one got hurt, raped, or killed, so calm down. NOW! To meet the others follow me!”

“There’s more lunatics?”

Larissa smiled at Leland, “Yep! To six be exact! You’ll love them, their as messed up as we are!”

“I think they’re in lunch. Oh you think there’ll be hot coco? I love hot coco! Not as much as coffee, but they stopped serving coffee. I like snow with hot coco! You think it’ll snow? I want it to snow! Does anybody we know control the weather? Cause I want it to snow or rain, or even for it to rain coffee!”

“No we don’t know anyone who controls the weather and yes they have hot coco I saw them making it this morning,” Larissa answered her voice calm, as though this was a normal way of asking one question.

“HOT COCO!!” Cassidy ran down the stairs faster than Alice had seen anyone run. She looked at Larissa who shook her head in her hands, then stared up at the two newbies.

“Follow me, you can meet the rest of our little family,” Alice followed Larissa instantly feeling now comfortable with her after seeing what she did for the sick Abbey girl, Leland reluctantly followed only to protect Alice from the heathens that lurked here. “First we’ll go to the weight room Lacie’s probably in there.”

“Didn’t that nutzo that ran off say that they’d all be in the lunch room?” Leland asked now holding on to Alice’s hand as they started down the stairs.

“Yes, but she doesn’t eat much. She’s probably done by now, and lifting weights. Oh and don’t say anything about how much she benches. She doesn’t like to bring attention to herself,” Larissa sighed as she turned down a side hallway.

Alice tried to count all the doors in the hallway that they we’re going down, but lost count after Leland pulled her arm to hard. The swift hard motion made her wince, “Keep up! I don’t trust anyone in this so called facility.”

“Larissa seems nice, I mean she’s showing us around,” Alice whispered trying to hide that they were talking about the person not even a three feet ahead of them.

“Oh yeah Alice, the person that can drain you dry is a nice person. Wake up! Not every person that calls you nice and acts friendly is friendly!”

“You two done talkin about me? Cause we’re here and you don’t want to make a bad impression on Lacie. You’ll see why in a minute,” Larissa stated as she opened the last door in the hallway, “Lacie! You in here?!?”

“Yeah, come-augh-in!”

“May I introduce Lacie.” Alice stared at a girl no taller than 5’5”, and looked no older than maybe 15. But what made her stare were the weights she was lifting, they seemed about ten times the young girls size. This was saying something sence the young girl look like a twig, not one muscle bulged when she lifted the massive things. Her medium black hair seemed to stay perfectly in place, which suited her tanned face very well. “She’s 5’5” and 14 years of age. Her power is super strength, which means don’t get her mad. And also her hobbies include buying cute clothes, walking around the gardens, and lifting weights.”

“Larissa you make me sound like I’m for sale,” Lacie stated to Larissa without even deviated from her work.

“Yeah but you’re not dating anyone right, so technically you are. Oh this is Alice and her step-brother Leland, they’re newbies. Alice here is a disapperer and Leland….well we don’t know yet. Leland what is your power?”

Leland smiled, “You’ll never know, until it’s time for me to use it to get out of here.”

Lacie set down her weights and laughed, “He’ll fit in great! Nice to meet you two, and don’t worry I don’t like to use my powers. I just like to lift weights so I have to use it, but feel free to come talk to me.”

“Well come on many more to see. See ya later Lacie! Remember Gaston is commin today so do your yoga!” Lacie nodded and waved as the trio left the weight room. Alice wondered who Gaston was, and why someone like calm Lacie would have to do yoga.


“And this is the lunchroom…..where we eat all our meals, it’s not much but it gets the job done,” Larissa said her eyes scanning the room to make sure that everyone was actually there.

Alice stared at the lunchroom the people didn’t notice that they had entered the room, and she liked it like that. The lunchroom contained four tables that sat at least four people each, though none of them were full. At the first table Cassidy, along with another two boys both had hair at least in one eye. Though the color was different one seemed like a purplelish-red and the other was blackish-brown. At the second table sat a boy and a girl. the girl had blonde hair and seemed to throw it back almost every five second, the boy didn’t seem to mind he listened and nodded his head the short blonde hair didn’t move as he did though. Alice wasn’t sure if he was even keeping track of what she was saying. At the last table sat a boy his black hair covered his whole face, the only light was a strip of blonde over his left eye. Her step-brother held tighter to her hand, “Don’t let go. I don’t trust anyone from this wacky farm.”

Alice opened her mouth to reply that he was overacting when she was interrupted by a whistle. She looked at Larissa who still stared out into the lunch room. “All right! Line up, we have some newbies that you gotta meet!” Alice watched as the six bodies stood and started to move toward them.

“Why do we have to do a line?” The blonde girl asked, her hair practically flowing as she walked to where the rest were standing.

“Because Gaston is coming today at one and it’s already twelve fifty. Now you know the routine, we’ll start with Stella since she already talked.”

The now named Stella stuck her tongue out at Larissa, “Hi I’m Stella, like the pushy bitch said, and my power is flight. That’s why I got these stupid weights on my ankles.”

“I have them too, so don’t complain! I mean I can still run, your just too weak to fly with them on. You should work out with Lacie, did they meet Lacie already? Did you tell her about Gaston? How about that she…”

Larissa covered Cassidy’s mouth, “Yes, we know you can still run. Yes I told Lacie, and yes she is going to do her yoga. Next!”

“Hey, I’m Chris! And my power is sonic scream.”

Alice stared at the boy; he looked no older than fifteen, though his blackish-brown hair did seem to help with that department. She turned to see Larissa smiling at the boy; her eyes seemed to smile also.

“I’m Levi, and even though it doesn’t matter I’m a technopath.” Levi stated his black hair still in his face, making it hard for Alice to tell if he was good looking or not.

Alice looked at the boy totally confused, along with her brother. “Huh?” They both asked looking at Larissa.

Larissa sighed, “It means he can control technology.”

“Oh!”Alice nodded her head, as the one with short blonde hair opened his mouth.

“I’m Jason, and I’m a substance absorber.”

Larissa didn’t even wait for the two to ask, “He can absorb the substance of an object and use it to protect himself, or even fight with.” The two still were confused as Hell, Larissa sighed, “You’ll see when you see. Lastly we have…”

“I’m Aiden, and I can make and control fire.”

Alice felt her brothers hand shake as the last one told his power, she squeezed it to make him feel comfortable. Larissa smiled at the two, “Now that you know everyone, lets go met Gaston, excuse me Mike.”

Alice looked at Larissa her face generally confused, “I thought you said that there were only six more Heroes.”

Larissa nodded, “Yeah Mike ain’t a Hero. He’s our no good, stupid, low down, worthless, psychiatrist.”
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I know i haven't updated this in forever but i've been busy. So here ya go another chapter of Heroes! please comment!