Status: Letters

Letters to Prince Charming

Paula Rant

Dear Carl,

Today is horrible, so Gram had to work all night for elections (she’s on the election board) and she’s been there since 5 am yesterday and just finished up today at 2 pm but couldn’t come home because Paula, yes that spoiled brat, borrowed the car and promised to have it back after she picked Stormy up from school.

Gam called Johnny for a ride and is on her way home now, finally.

I hate no! Despise Paula, I never thought she could do anything more selfish until right now. I should never underestimate how a person can out do their stupidity.

I swear I would kick her ass if she wasn’t Gram’s daughter. Notice how I said Gram’s daughter instead of my aunt, I don’t have an aunt named Paula, or Jamie for that matter but that’s another hate entirely.

I shouldn’t hate family I know but after everything she’s put Gram through, me through its hard not to.

Two strikes in one week, that’s a new record even for her.

Just this last Friday she took off to Mexico and left Stormy with Gram and me. To make it worse Rudy had to go out of town and Azeline, who Paula always watches, was also stuck with us.

I swear as soon as Gram (hopefully never but that’s in a unrealistic world) passes I’m going to kick her ass.

I sit here sighing knowing complaining is useless but there’s nothing more I could do.

I’ll try to leave with good news so I don’t ruin your day, I got an ‘A’ is my sociology class, see you later.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Venting* Comment I guess idk.