‹ Prequel: Papercut

Let Me In

Save Your Heart

She fell to the bottom of her life
This wasn't meant for two
She struggles to find herself in time

I wish I could say that moving to L.A was a smart move with confidence, but I knew I was only lying to myself.

Starting over in a place where you know only one person, has to be the hardest thing to do. It took me a little under a month to find a job, and I ended up having to take the spring semester off of college in order to save up some money.

Over time, I had lost contact with Josh. Granted he still tried contacting me from time to time, but I had my reasons to not talk to him anymore. He was a constant reminder of my old life, and I was still trying my hardest to escape it.

As for Brady, he only called me for the first month trying to find out where I was. He finally gave up when I wouldn’t budge, and I was positive that he had another girl he was torturing, and I internally felt for her.

Now, after 13 months of not hearing from Josh, you think I would be over him, and moving on. In all honesty, I had tried going on a lot of dates, but I constantly found myself comparing them to Josh. I had eventually given up, and decided that I was just destined to stay single, since I threw my one chance at real life.

While I wasn’t completely happy with how life was going, I had one thing to make me happy every single day. And her name was Molly Elizabeth Mesko.
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first part.
really short, I know!
it's just the prologue though!

the other parts will be longer :)