‹ Prequel: Papercut

Let Me In

Good Day

I’m freaking out, about what's ahead
Maybe I’ll just stay in bed

I blinked my eyes open at the sound of my phone ringing, and detangled myself from Josh’s arms. I scooted over so I could reach the nightstand, and cleared my throat as I answered the phone with a groggy hello.

“May I speak to Payton Mesko, please?” a female voice asked from the other line.

“This is her,” I said rubbing my eyes.

“Hi Ms. Mesko, this is Mary from Kaiser. I’m calling in regards to a paternity test you had done 3 days,” she said waking me up a bit, “We have the results in, and would like you to come get them sometime today.”

“We can be there by ten,” I said noticing the clock read 8:30, “Thank you so much.”

“Just go straight to the lab, and they’ll have your results,” she said before hanging up.

I dropped the phone against the bed, and rolled back over into Josh’s arms. He gripped me tightly and nuzzled his face into my hair causing me to giggle. We had fallen back asleep at 5, after Molly had woken us up for a changing and feeding.

“We have to leave to the doctors office in an hour,” I said looking up at him.

“It’s the day of truth,” he said looking down at me, “How about I get Molly up and feed her while you shower?”

“You’re too good to the both of us,” I said nuzzling into his neck, “After I shower I’ll make us some breakfast, deal?”

“You deserve it,” he said kissing my hair, “And I like the sound of that.”

He gave me a quick kiss, before we both slinked out of bed, and went in opposite directions. I walked into the closet and pulled out a purple sweater and a pair of jeans before grabbing fresh underwear. I took a fast shower, and pulled my clothes on before drying my hair partially. I did my make-up, and sprayed on my body spray before walking out into the kitchen.

“Perfect timing,” Josh said removing the spoon from Molly’s mouth.

“I’ll make us some fruit salad for breakfast, does that sound okay?” I asked pushing my bangs from my eyes.

“Sounds perfect,” he said standing up and cracking his back.

He scratched his side as he made his way into the bedroom, and I started bustling around the kitchen. Molly was entertained by her small toys, as I cut up the fresh fruit and put it into bowls. I was pouring cups of coffee when Josh emerged from the bedroom with wet hair.

We ate quickly, realizing we had spent more time getting ready than originally planned. While I cleaned up the kitchen quickly, Josh dressed and changed Molly. Once I had the dishwasher loaded, I pulled on my boots that were sitting by the front door. Josh came out holding Molly, who looked adorable in her black denim jumper and pink peacoat, and I held her while he pulled his hoodie and shoes on.

I slid her diaper bag onto my shoulder, and we walked into the cool December air. I secured Molly tightly, and Josh warmed the car up. I climbed into the passenger seat, and we were off to the doctors office.


“I just want you to know that I’ll be there for you and her no matter the result,” Josh said after the nurse left us in the office type room, “She’s stolen my heart these past few days, and I couldn’t bare to not be a part of her life.”

“Thank you Josh, that means a lot to me,” I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

We sat in silence for the next few minutes while we waited for the doctor to come in. The knock on the door signaled his arrival, and I noticed Josh visibly stiffen next to me. We greeted the doctor with handshakes, and he sat in his chair before flipping his folder open.

“Well, according to the results of the paternity test, a Mr. Josh Montgomery is the father,” he said scanning the sheet.

I felt a weight get lifted off of my shoulders, and couldn’t help but to smile. I turned to Josh, who had a huge smile on his face as well, and he squeezed my hand. The doctor asked if I would like him to sign the birth certificate, and I immediately agreed to it. He pulled it from the folder he had carried in with him, and slid it across the desk to Josh along with a pen. I took Molly from him, and he signed his name in the previously empty ‘father’ spot.

“You are now legally this little girls father,” the doctor said with a smile, “Best of luck to both of you in the future.”

He handed us the envelope with the results, and we shook his hand one final time. We both stood up, and exited the office, hands still intertwined. We both had huge smiles on our faces, and it was easy for anyone to tell that we had gotten the best news of our lives.

“I hope you know this means you both have to come to the label party on the 13th,” Josh said as we exited the office.

“Are you sure?” I said as we walked across the lot.

“Of course!” he said looking at me, “I want to show off my gorgeous daughter and girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend, eh?” I said smirking at him with a laugh.

“Only if you say yes,” he said as we got to the car.

“Yes,” I said kissing his cheek, “We’ll need formal wear for this party right?”

“Yep, and I want to buy Molly’s,” he said as he secured her into the seat, “No arguments.”

“Stop being perfect,” I said leaning over the center console to kiss him, “How about a celebratory lunch?”

He just nodded and turned the car on before leaving the doctors office.
♠ ♠ ♠
Payton and Molly

I couldn't resist, honestly. I just wanted to make this happy :)
I'm also not sure how much longer this will be, I had originally planned 7 parts, but it might be longer <3

I Swear That She's The One