‹ Prequel: Papercut

Let Me In

If You're A Bird

Been around the world and now I know that there is nothing left to see
'Cause everything I want in this life is standing right in front of me
And I can't seem to breathe 'cause you stole all of it from me.

I kneeled next to the bathtub, and cooed at Molly as I bathed her in her small tub. I kept the smile on my face as she kept grabbing at the washrag, and giggling to herself. I rinsed all of the suds off of her small body, and wrapped her up in her pink hooded towel. As I dried her off, while playing peek-a-boo, I heard the front door open, and smiled widely.

“Where are my two favorite girls?” I heard Josh asked as I stepped out of the bathroom.

“We’re getting all pretty for the party tonight,” I said as I walked into the living room, “And your hair looks amazing, babe.”

“Good thing you guys are already gorgeous,” he said hugging me and kissing me softly, “Thanks, I figured I’d change it up a little.”

I blushed a little and he grabbed Molly from my hands, kissing her forehead and babbling with her. I smiled at the two of them, and we walked into her room to start clothing her. Josh placed a diaper on her, and I put her baby lotion on before combing out her short blonde hair.

“Alright, you go shower and I’ll keep her entertained for the next hour and a half,” Josh said nuzzling Molly on his chest.

I gave him a quick smile, before following him out of the room, and making my way into my bedroom. I pulled my hair out of its messy bun as I made my way into the attached bathroom. I turned the shower on fairly warm, and undressed as I waited for the mirrors to fog up. Once they were foggy, I stepped into the shower, and let the hot water relax my muscles.

Once I was clean, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I put lotion on my freshly shaved legs, and slid my underwear and strapless bra on. I took a brush to my hair, and combed it out before putting the volumizing spray into it. I dried my hair, and curled it, before pinning most of it up, and letting a few strands frame my face. Once that was done, I put on my makeup, and sprayed myself with my Vera Wang perfume.

I walked into the closet, and took my plum party dress off of the hanger, and slid it up my body. I got the zipper half way up my back, and groaned in frustration when I couldn’t zip it fully. I held the dress to my chest as I padded into the living room, where I saw the cutest thing in the world. Josh was lying on his back on the couch with Molly laying on his chest. They were both sound asleep, and had soft snores escaping their open mouths. I quickly grabbed my camera from the dining room table, and snapped a few pictures of them, before Josh’s eyes fluttered open.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, Payton,” he said in a whisper.

“Thank you,” I said with a slight blush to my cheeks, “I hate to make you wake her up, but would you mind zipping my dress up for me? I can’t get it all of the way.”

He merely nodded, before lifting Molly off of his chest, and gently placing her on the couch. I turned around, and felt a shiver go up my spine as his fingers brushed against my bare skin. He slowly zipped it up, and when it was fully zipped, he pressed his lips against my shoulder blade.

“Thank you,” I said turning around to face him.

“Anything for you,” he said pressing my lips to mine tenderly, “I better go get dressed, we have to leave here in about 20 minutes.”

“I’ll go dress Molly,” I said as he gave me another peck.

I picked up the still sleeping Molly, and calmed her as she woke up. I balanced her on my hip as I walked into her bedroom, and grabbed her dress from her closet, as well as some tights. I slid on her sparkly tights first, and pulled her silk red dress over her head next. She became entranced by the bow on the dress, and I took that opportunity to place the matching headband around her head. I secured her tiny patent leather mary jane’s on her feet, and picked her up again heading to my bedroom.

“You look, just, wow,” I said as Josh turned away from the mirror on the wall where he was tightening his tie.

His newly cut and died hair was in a messy sort of fauxhawk, and his face was scruffy. His black suit clung to his body perfectly, and he wore a bright smile on his face. He gushed over how adorable Molly looked, and cooed at her while I slipped on my open toed pumps.

We both slid our peacoats on over our clothes, as well as putting a coat on Molly, before grabbing what we needed and heading out the door.


I was currently sat at the table with John and his girlfriend, while I watched Josh socialize with other partygoers. As soon as the dinner had finished, Josh insisted on taking Molly and showing her off to everyone he knew. I was in the middle of taking a drink of my water, when Josh was by my side and telling me he had someone for me to meet. I stood up, smoothing out my dress, and followed him to a girl with red hair on the other end of the room.

“Payton, I’d like you to meet my tour manager, and one of my best friends, Courtney Swan,” Josh said with his hand on the small of my back, “Courtney this is the mother of my child, and love of my life, Payton.”

“It’s nice to finally meet the girl that tamed Josh,” Courtney said as we hugged briefly.

“I’m glad I’m able to meet the person who keeps him in control on tour,” I said as we both laughed.

“That’s why she’s the tour mom,” Josh said laughing with us.

“I have to say, your daughter is the absolute cutest thing in the world,” Courtney said after we had talked for a few minutes.

“Well duh, Courtney, look at her fine ass parents,” Josh said with a smirk plastered on his face.

“Thank you,” I said after playfully hitting Josh’s side.

We talked with Courtney for a few more minutes, before Josh was dragging me around the party introducing me to more people than I would be able to remember. After all of the introductions, we sat back down, and talked with Brian and Stephen for a while.

Eventually, Molly started getting tired, and Josh decided that it was time for us to start heading home. He said goodbye to all of his friends, and I said goodbye to the band since they were the only ones I really knew. We both got our coats from the coat check, and walked into the cool night air to the car.

The ride home was short, and we stayed fairly quiet considering Molly was sound asleep in her car seat behind us. I carried Molly up to the apartment, while Josh carried the diaper bag and unlocked the door. I changed her diaper, and put her in pajama’s before rocking her to sleep, and placing her into the crib with the mobile on.

“So I’m the love of your life, huh Josh?” I asked as I entered the bedroom, and started taking my earrings out.

“Yeah, you are Payton,” he said with a hint of red to his cheeks, “I can’t ever deny that. You're everything I want in life.”

“Well, I guess it’s good we’re both with the loves of our lives then, isn’t it?” I asked as I slid out of my heels and dress.

“I’d say it’s pretty damn good,” he said coming over to me and placing his hands on my bare hips, “I told you I still loved you Payton.”

“And I love you too Josh,” I said standing on my toes and closing the space between us, “I don’t think I ever truly stopped.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Payton and Molly

I like this :)
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