Status: chapter five is on the way!

The Long Road Back


Nick just sat there, knees to his chest and vacant eyes looking ahead. His breaths were quick and shallow trying to hold back tears. How and when did things become this bad? He didn't even know his own son's age, what kind of father was he? "a horrible one." Nick mumbled out loud. And now Lizzie doesn't love him? How did this happen? They used to be so happy. He can remember the night he proposed like it happened only a mere couple of months ago.

She was mad at him, for the first time she was actually really mad at him. She caught them together, first at a ring store downtown and now walking on the beach together. Him being her boyfriend of five years, and her being her best friend for ten. She should've saw this coming, her 'best friend' was the one who introduced them. He saw her watching them from the boardwalk. He knew instantly what she was thinking and began running after her. She had gotten into her car and sped away, he got into his and sped after her. This was suppose to be a romantic night between them and now she ruined it. He pulled up the driveway as she got out of the car. She slammed the door and her dress got caught causing it to rip. He couldn't help but laugh as she struggled "it's not funny Nicholas!" she screamed finally getting loose from the car door. She ran up the driveway almost slamming the front door in his face but he stopped it from shutting completely. He pushed his way into the two-story Italian style house. She threw one of her shoes at him, hitting him in the knee. He grunted in pain and she smirked but it soon faded.

"How could you?!" she screamed tears streaking her beautiful face.
"It's not what you think Lizzie." He said calmly trying to get her to listen. She threw another shoe at him but thankfully this time she missed.
She quickly ran up the stairs but he caught u to her which was a surprise since he was limping halfway up the stairs he grabbed her wrist and turned her around.
"Listen to me Lizzie, please." he pleaded and she just crossed her arms over her chest.
"I love you more than I have loved anyone in my whole life. I would never hurt you." He slowly got down on one knee on the staircase and pulled out a small black velvet box.
"I want to spend the rest my life with you." he said softly.
"Please marry me Elizabeth Rose Knight." and with that she finally understood. Her best friend was only helping Nick with the proposal and with that she said yes.

He needed things to turn back to normal.

He needed Lizzie to love him a lot more than she believed. They needed to be happy again and he knew exactly how. He quickly pulled himself from he once comfortable but now agonizing position and walked down the stairs. He made his way down the stairs to the entree hallway when he heard chattering and Lizzie and Nate walked through the door.

"Daddy! Daddy! I made two home runs!" Nate screamed. "That's great son." Nick replied.
"Just because you call him son doesn't mean you've changed into this 'wonderful' dad." Lizzie spat sarcastically.
"Nate go take a bath then get to bed you have school tomorrow.: the mother said pushing her child up the stairs.
"Can I talk to you Lizzie?" Nick asked softly.
"What?" She replied obviously still pissed.
"I'm going to pick up Nate from school after baseball practice tomorrow." He said giving her a guilty look.
"Fine but if you forget him it's your ass." she warned
Elizabeth, I'm not that bad." He replied and with that he pulled out his phone and set n alarm for three-thirty.
"If you would have told me that six months ago, or maybe even before you called me by my maiden name I might have believed you." He heard Lizzie mumbled.
"Well I'll prove you wrong." Nick said confidently.
"That's the one thing you could do that would surprise me." She said.
"We can either stand here and argue or you can go help your son." Nick said and with that he walked away.
"my son" he heard her say under her breath as she walked up the stairs. When she came into Nate's room he was already sitting on his bed/
"Hey baby, ready for bed?"
They crawled into the covers. Seconds later Nate's head was placed on Lizzie's shoulder and Lizzie was half asleep when he asked a question a child should never ask.
"Does Daddy Love Me?"
"Of course baby he just doesn't know how to show it."
♠ ♠ ♠
splitting it :)