The Moth

The Nightmare

The moon was bright, a lot brighter than it usually is. I felt immense fear overcome me. I was standing in this house, alone. Without the slightest idea where I am. My only source of light being the moon. It seemed as if it was my own home, but it couldn't be.
Some urge made me run. I ran until I reached this metal elevator. I knew the man who was operating it. For some reason though he seemed so distant, I felt like he wasn't real. I felt as if I was not in control of my own body. I continued to run.
Finally coming to my senses, I realized I was running from something. Was it a person? Was it a beast? I had no idea. My legs had a mind of their own. The cold air whipped at my cheeks. The wind was strong, so strong I felt as if it was holding me back.
There she was, some strange girl appeared next to me. Her dark hair in the way of me looking at her face. All I could tell was she was dark skinned and dark haired. She was running from the same thing I was. I could feel her fear was more intense than mine. I felt like I had to protect her from the thing.
In a flash the whole scene changed before my eyes. We were running up a staircase at my school. The stairs seemed to never end. She was breathing heavily, losing her breath. I held my hand out to her. She went to grab it. Her hand barely missed mine, she fell backwards into the darkness.
I wanted to save her. My head told me to go back for her but my body didn't listen. I continued to run. Finally reaching the top, I realized I was on the bell tower. The bell have a low ring. I stopped to turn around, looking at this man like figure who cornered me. My mind raced.
I backed up to the edge on the balcony. He moved closer, my mind told me to stay away from him. I climbed up onto the short stone wall, turning my head seeing him very close to me. I jumped from the bell tower.
I felt like I was slowly floating down. I felt calm and even slightly happy. Going down for what seemed forever I stared at the moon's beauty. Finally getting to the ground my body slowly set itself down. As I hit the cobble stone my body started to disappear. Was I dying?
I disappeared, in my place was a tiny yellow moth that seemed to glow in the moonlight. The man was nearby, but I felt no fear. The moth flew away leaving the spot where I thought I died. Peacefully it flew higher and higher, without a care or worry in the world.
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I'm a horrible story teller. This nightmare/dream though really inspired me. I'm not sure why but it left an impression on me. I have no idea what it could have meant if anything. Nevertheless it was quite interesting to me.