‹ Prequel: Unknown Love

Planned Love

The plan, and the flower.

Zuko was watching Aang and Toph take a walk on the beach, thinking the whole time he did so.

If they are toghether, then I could be with Katara. She's sweet, and kind, and actually cared about me back in Ba-Sing-Se. Now, how do I win her over? I guess it will take time. I have to plan it. Some flowers here, giving her my coat there...and, hopfully, I can tell her how I feel.

His thoughts were interupted by Toph's giggling.

"Twinkle-Toes! You know I'm ticklish there!"

"I know," replied Aang, "That's why I tickled you there."

They proceeded to walk down the beach, laughing, hand in hand.


The gang was sitting down for dinner that Katara was making.

"Here, let me help." Zuko stated as he walked over.

"Uh, sure." Katara said, a little baffled.

Zuko proceeded to put up the cabages, and sneak a peek at Katara when she wasn't looking.

Her hair just falls perfectly, no matter what. Zuko thought to himself, She's beautiful, and sweet.

"Zuko, are you okay?" Katara asked him.

"What? Oh, uh, yeah, fine, sorry." he said, and then went back to chopping, so she wouldn't see him blush.

The rest of the night was rather normal, and dull. Aang and Toph sat next to each other, as usual. So did Sokka and Suki. Before Zuko knew it, it was time to sleep. He snuck out after everyone else went to sleep, looking for a flower to give Katara without her knowing.

Zuko looked for a couple hours, but they were all plain, and normal. Then, he saw it, a lone water tulip, one believed to grow in the spirit oasis in the North Pole. He gasped, and plucked it, then ran to get some water for it.
"Phase one: Complete." he whisperd to himself as he went to bed.