I Look at the Stars and They Remind Me of You


"Kitten, you knew that he'd end up coming back at one point" He said. We were both sat on my bed, cross-legged, facing each other.

"He wasn't supposed too! He's going to mess everything up!" I raised my voice a little. Was he really going mess it all up or was I just saying that?

"Cassie," I knew he was being serious when he used my name. "Is he really going to mess it up? Or are you just telling yourself that?" He asked already knowing the answer. UGH! Why did Chaz have to be so, right. All the time.

"But-" He cut me off

"But nothing. Kitten, you're telling me that you don't want him to come back, now answer me truthfully, is that true?" He asked. Again, already knowing the answer.

"I don't know!"

"You know you want him to come back" He told me knowingly.

I was in two minds about whether or not I wanted him to come back. Yeah, I wanted him to come back because he's Justin, and I love him more than anything but I don't want him to come back because I'm gonna have to explain and he's gonna say things I don't want to hear and I'll have to face the whole 'we're just friends' thing again. And I don't want that. There's also the fact that he left me.

"But I don't want him too!"

"But you want him to as well"

"I know!" I whined.

Why is love so hard?

"It's alright, Kitten," He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "He's gotta face everything too, if it makes you feel any better" He added.

"He's got to face that he left me! He caused all of this!" I said angrily, leaning against his chest. I felt the tears start again.

"But wouldn't you want him to be happy and live his dream?" He asked

"Well, yeah, but-- I don't know!" I cried and my tears started falling again.

Why now? Out of all the times to come back. He had to choose now. Stupid lovable Justin.
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:D My first chapter on this story guys :)
what do you think?