I Look at the Stars and They Remind Me of You


Why me? Why him? Why now? Why?

I had to be the one to fall in love with my best friend. He had to be my best friend. He had to come back now. It had to be this whole entire situation.

Wait! What kind of a best friend would just leave me there crying? What kind of a best friend tells there best friend they're leaving on the day that they're leaving? Just a 'Goodbye, I love you' and then leave, call and expect everything to be fine?! Well his plan screwed up.

He did say that he didn't want to tell me because he could of hurt me... Wait! No. It would've hurt me anyway. Whether he told me or not. I would of found out eventually when he's magically disappeared for two years and was all over the world!

He had to have known long before that day so he could of told me when he did find out. Then we could of prepared for him leaving. We could have spent as much time together as possible and had actual goodbye. But no. I guess I didn't fit into his schedule.


Don't you just hate it when the love of your life A.K.A your best friend leaves you and then comes back after two years? Yeah. It sucks!

All my feelings and thoughts are so confused and mixed up right now. It's actually started to hurt thinking.

I blame him.

Or do I?

Can I blame him? Or am I just convincing myself it's all his fault so I won't have to face him?

I don't know!

My head really hurts now. I sat on my bed and layed back. Sighing, I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind of all these painful thoughts. Eventually I felt myself being taken away to a dreamless sleep. Away from all the pain that he was making me cause myself by thinking of him.
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Sorry it took a while guys been sick :(