Status: Activia!

Best Friends Forever

Tessa Lee

Dear Diary,
"This is an outrage! A down right, fucked up outrage! Why the Hell would I vandalize the thrift shop? I don't even go there! I want a lawyer! This is a lie! That's not me! That's someone else, I swear! All you can fucking see is brown hair! That does not mean it's me!"

Is what I told the principle. But apparently the mere fact that the person on tape was wearing my favorite sweter is enough to incrinimate me. I've been missing my sweater, the jackass probably framed me. Or, just bought the same sweater. Either way, they don't have enough proof! They're idiots if they think I'm going to stay silent. And Shae's an idiot if she thinks I'm going to let her stay silent. She was caught on tape, too, relevently close to where "I" was, wearing dark clothing. Not enough proof to sue us, not even close, and Shae is going to help me prove it.

Your fucking wronged owner,
Tessa Lee Image