Status: Activia!

Best Friends Forever

Tessa Lee

Dear Diary,
Today was boring as usual. I woke up fifteen minutes before the bus came, I failed a quiz, I forced what looked like ground beef covered with barbecue sauce down my throat, I almost got tripped in the halls by Angel Rodriguez, and listened to my friend, Randy, complain about his horrible life. His cat died and all of a sudden he is misunderstood. His life is more fucked up than mine because his cat died. My cat got ran over by my obese cousin, where's my comfort? I hate people.

When I got home my mom was on the phone with someone, talking animatedly. When she hung up she yelled at me for spoiling my dinner with toast and raspberry jam. (grape is yucky) After her fit she told me that she was talking to Shae's mother, Sue.

"Shae is such a nice girl, just like her mother. Why don't you ever go over to her house anymore? You said she had a 'mansion' or whatever. You used to love spending the night over there." My mom said. If we were still friends, I would've protested that I went over to Shae's house for Shae, but all I could do was think was. Shae was a nice girl. I was her friend.

My mom didn't understand why Shae and I never talked on the phone for hours or why she never came over. We've had this talk tons of times before. It often went on for hours. But what did she want me to say? That Shae and I did hang out, and that she just keeps forgetting? I tried to explain that we grew apart, but she just won't accept that.

She treated me like it was my fault I wasn't in tune with Shae. Like I never tried to call Shae on my free time. Like I never tried to talk to her at school. Like I was ruining her friendship with Shae.

But she didn't get that Shae and me aren't equals anymore in Shae and her friends' eyes. That Shae was not scared of me because I dressed in all black-not that I do, I like colors. Even if I caked my face in makeup and wore skirts and heels, I still wouldn't be friends with Shae.

Your emo owner,
Tessa Lee ♥