Enchanted by Darkness


Dear Recipient,

We are proud to announce that your son/daughter has been accepted into Ouran Private Academy. We would be delighted to have another commoner among our ranks. Be reminded that your son/daughter will have to score top ranks in the class evaluation to stay enrolled in our elite school as well as wear the proper uniform (which is enclosed in a separate envelope). Feel free to allow your son/daughter to tour the school at any time.


Headmaster Suoh

I kept reading the letter over and over again. I had been accepted into the elite Ouran Academy!

But how? It couldn't have been my dad. He was the one who insisted I go to Lobellia All Girls Academy. And there was no way I was going there. There was rumors that most of the girls there had turned homosexual.

I shuddered at the thought.

Back at the task at hand. Perhaps it was my sister; she could have recommended me to the Headmaster, after all she went there.

That must be it! My darling sister recommended me there! She's totally getting a hug when I see her.

What's this about wearing the proper uniform? I questioned. My eyes suddenly glanced over at the relatively large envelope tacked to the letter.

Oh. That.

I carefully peeled back the flap to reveal something the could only be described as a yellow blob.

This can't be right. It has to be some joke.

I sighed at the horrid yellow blob only to realize that it was a dress.

"If this is what I have to wear everyday. School is gunna be hell." I muttered to myself glaring at the dress.
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:D Haha I know its not much but hey its a prologue! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter~