Enchanted by Darkness

Tours, Panic, and Bishies!

And so begins another exciting day of my exciting life...

If you hadn't guessed I am related to the infamous Haruhi Fujioka, commoner of Ouran;

My name is Naomi Fujioka, the eldest daughter of the Fujioka family.

That's right eldest.

I had just been accepted into the elite Ouran Private Academy, courteous of my younger sibling.

Or so I thought...

Anyways, the letter I had gotten told me that I could visit at any time. So, why not during school hours?

This lead me to rush through morning routine (shower, brush teeth, etc. etc.) in order to make it in time when the gates opened.

So, here I am in my blue jeans, tank top, and sneakers staring at my new school.

If you could call this a school... In my opinion, it's more of a castle than anything but, I digress.

Let's hope there are people that can show me around this maze... Preferably my sister...

Hoping to find someone I began searching around the campus, while my long brown hair swished as I walked.

Very soon I became lost.

This caused me to panic, in the halls no less, suddenly my body was under something quite soft.

It took me a couple seconds to realized what happened. In the frenzy of my panic I very clumsily knocked someone over, whilst the softness under me.

I immediately got up and apologized offering my hand to the stranger.

Said person took my hand and hoisted themselves up saying their was no need to apologize.

It was then I realized that the person was a guy, a very handsome guy.

But I found it quite strange that he was covered up in a cloak >.>

"What's you name?" his question brought me back to reality and I responded:

"Naomi Fujioka. I'm supposed to be enrolled here soon and I came here to tour the school and I got lost."

"Fujioka... Ah! You must be related to Haruhi-san."

"So, your know of her! Could you lead me to where she is."

The boy blinked before stating, "You must be mistaken. Haruhi-san is male."

He must be joking, but the look on his face said otherwise.

Oh crap this means...


I was sure that pure horror was written on my face.

"Fujioka-san? Are you alright?" Once agin his voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I grabbed his cloak pulling him down to my height practically screaming,


He paled but complied to my request, while I ran down the halls screaming,

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:) Nekozawa's awesome with his cloaked bishieness X3