My Savior

Chapter Five: Thrill

I bit my bottom lip, etching a poem onto the paper in my lap.

Thrill by Chance Ferrari

Her eyes can pierce right through my soul, allowing me to speak.

And the way that lose lips move raise my pulse to its peak.

I can only imagine what lose lips taste like,

but I bet that they could kill;

My mind's been racing on and on --

I cannot resist this thrill.

I sighed, leaning back against my bedroom wall, and peered into the sunlight that spilled through my window. I gazed down my gloomy street pondering about seemingly nothing. I sighed once more and rose from my floor, running my eyes over the poem once more before I pinned it to my wall with a thumbnail. It was a lazy saturday morning, quite actually.

Finding it peculiar, I waited a while before I peeked out of my bedroom. My parents were gone. "SWEET!" I shouted in rejoyce. Leaping into the kitchen, I opened the fridge; the good mood quickly vanished. "Yuck," I cringed at the awful smell of spoiled food. Shunning the smell, I quickly snatched a beer. My eyes drooped as I sipped it, groaning. Quite honestly, I didn't even want the crappy beer. I just wanted something to do. Halfway through the can, I dumped the rest in the sink and tossed it.

Nothing was on the T.V., either.

No friends to chill with. And I didn't have Crimson's number.

I sat at the kitchen table, thinking. Hey, how far away could the chick possibly live? I slipped on my shoes and my old wool sweatshirt and trudged out the door. I was oddly hungry for some adventure, but by the time I was really hungry, I regretted ever leaving the house.

I wiped the sweat dripping down my forehead and sighed aloud, "What the hell were you thinking, Chance?" I bent down, grasping support from my knees. "Phew..." I gave in and sat down on the curb. I was in a nice neighborhood now, and it looked a lot brighter and safe.

I wish I lived here.

I'd probably walked four miles to get there. it was almost like a different world. Hell, even the grass was greener. I wondered -- who lives here? It was hard to tell since no one was really around. I could hear an echo from a running lawn mower in the distance.

After a little while, I headed down a long street, headed for the park. The walk felt way longer than it normally did; my stomach was burning and growling like a beast. I found myself telling it to shut up a few times, even though the words felt foolish coming out of my mouth.

As my typical entrace to the park, I kicked that same old bench and sat down. "Dude," I moaned. "I want some foooooood." I ended up stealing three pieces of jerkey, one roll, and an energy drink from the convienience store. I grinned nervously on my way back home. You did a good job, I would tell myself. I almost believed it.