‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Barcelona, Spain

“He what?” I shouted as I looked at the email Luke sent me this morning. “No. No.” I was pissed that Luke would do that. At that moment, Brayden and Drew joined in. Once I showed them the email, they were pissed off as well.

“Okay, should we just abandon Luke in Europe?” Drew rolled his eyes as he couldn’t believe what Luke is doing. “I mean he has money. He can go home on his own. Besides, I have a fiancée to back to so I can marry her.”

“That girl is poison!” I shouted one more time wondering why we wasted our time here in Barcelona.

The drive from Milan to here was horrible thanks to the Jersey Shore Wannabe Girls. My suspicions were right. It’s either an “are we there yet?” or “I need to pee” or “my makeup is flaky” as a way to stop the drive down here. What’s worse is that we passed Luke and train girl along the way in the Riviera. While we’re having a great time here in Barcelona, it would’ve been better if these girls didn’t tag along and is Luke was around.

We’re currently at an internet café to check our emails and other NHL news only to see this on my inbox. Is he crazy or what?

“I don’t think mom and dad would be happy about it.” Brayden added as he looked at the email.

“I mean we can do two things: drag his ass down here or leave him?” I was upset because we have plans for this summer training before camp begins. Plus, I am putting my relationship with my new girlfriend on hold for this vacation. At that moment, PK and the girls came in to see what the hold-up is. It was when Vicky read the email out loud the gasps came out.

Hey Stevie!

I’m having a great time in Nice with Claudia. Actually better I expected. I really don’t want to leave her. You should go back home without me as I might stay in Europe for a little while longer. I managed to trade in my ticket for a flight in Amsterdam, which would be in another 10 days, in the meantime we’re planning to head to Paris. Steve, I really like Claudia. I never felt like this before. Don’t get mad at me.

I’m sending you pictures of us at the French Riviera. Too bad you missed it because the beaches are beautiful there.


“Yo he is a Romeo!” PK laughed as the girls mouth dropped. “Did he watch that Leo DiCaprio movie on the road a lot?”

“I wished I knew.” Drew laughed, trying to make sense out of this. “By the way, I think you’re talking about that old one with the hot brunette chick. It was back in the ‘60s.”

“Oh that Romeo & Juliet!” Lori chimed in. “The one with the Romeo that looks like Zac Efron! We’ve seen that movie so many times as kids.”

“Yeah, look at it.” Vicky moved over and Googled the older version of the movie, showing that the actor indeed not only looked like Zac Efron but Luke himself. “I still think Claudia is better than Olivia Hussey even though Claudia’s a blonde now.”

“Wow she is hot. How old was she in that movie?” Brayden asked wondering about that movie’s version of Juliet.

“Jailbait! She was 15 and showed her boobs!”

“Okay can we get back to Luke here?” As much as I wanted to talk about an old movie featuring some dude who looks like Luke and Zac Efron, dragging him back to North America is more important.

“Her dad is going to kill her.” Lori scratched her head as she read the email again. “Then again he’s gonna kill us for not bring her home.”

“Plus Lori and I have some important information she needs to know.” Vicky added as she grabbed a chair and took the keyboard.

“What are you doing?” I asked, seeing how rude Vicky is.

“Logging you off and logging into my email account. I’m sending her a message.” Vicky typed as fast as she can since we only had less than five minutes left to use the computer.

“What did you say on the email?” PK asked while taking a sip off his drink.

“Basically to email me back and that it’s very important.”

“Too bad I’m not going to have enough time to send an email.” I sulked as the minutes ran down to zero. “I guess I have to call the reinforcements but it’s going to involve you, Drew.”

“Reinforcements?” Everyone wondered at the same time.

“First we’re calling Hertz to change our drop-off point to Paris. Secondly I’m calling the reinforcements back in the States. Trust me, if I can’t convince him to go home, she will!” I went over to the counter to buy a calling card so I can call the US. Once I was in the booth, I made the call to them. It’s early over there so I know they won’t pick up. “Hey, it’s Steven. I need your help but you would need to call me or Drew back from our hotel in Barcelona. Luke went off the deep end.”
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Another update tomorrow :)