‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Paris, France

We’ve been here for the past three days now and really loved it. We did the usual spots such as The Louve, Norte Dame, the Moulin Rouge and walked along Champs-Elysees to the Arch. We even took a day trip to the Loire Valley. Every moment spent with her was perfect, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, despite not doing anything more than just kissing her.

Today is our last full day in Paris so we’re spending it at Disneyland Paris. With all the cultural places we’ve been to in town, it’ll be fun to do something more childish like going to an amusement park. We’ve had a great day so far by going to the usual favorites such as the Dumbo ride, Mad Hatter’s Teacup, and Space Mountain, but there was one ride she and I had fear of going to.

“Oh no, I’m not riding on that.” Claudia grunted when she sees the “It’s A Small World” ride. She started to walk to the other direction, avoiding the ride like it was a disease.

“Come on. We rode on all the popular rides. How about one more?” I grabbed and moved her towards the line. “Besides you would need to do that anyway when we have kids in the future?”

“We?” She looked at me as she had seen a ghost. I couldn’t believe I said “we” to her.

“I meant you.” I corrected myself. “You would need to take your kids to this ride someday.”

“But still Luke… it’s ‘It’s A Small World’. That’s like the cheesiest ride of all time!”

“You gotta face your fear sometime.” I held her face on the palms of my hands. “If it makes you feel better, I hate this ride. But if I’m going to hate it again, at least I’m sharing that with you.” I pulled her face closer to me and placed a soft kiss on her nose.

“You’re so cheesy, Luke!” She looked at me for a moment before grabbing my collar and kissed me very passionately on the line.

“Hey Romeo! Move that Juliet down that line!” Someone who wanted to go on the line shouted as we realized the lined moved up.

Once we’ve made it to the boat, Claudia’s fear was becoming more evident. The melody was ringing in our ears as the doors open and enters the ride. Every second has passed, our eyes became zoned to the ride, letting the ride and the music took over. Maybe if we were high on LCD, then we would’ve enjoyed a lot more. At the end of the ride, Claudia looked stoned while my mouth was wide open from the shock. I tapped her for a moment before she began humming the melody of the song. That continued throughout our ride back to Paris. Mental note to Luke Schenn’s brain: never take a date to “It’s A Small World” ever again!

After Claudia recovered from the Disney shock, we got ready at our hotel for dinner. I decided to go fancy and take her to the Eiffel Tower this evening. After a fun few days here in Paris, I wanted to end it on a high note before we go to the next location. Claudia decided to wear the same dress she wore to that waltz class in Vienna for dinner as she looked amazing in that dress. The more time I spend with her, the more I don’t want to let her go. I love being around her, hearing her laugh, kissing her when she says something silly. My feelings were becoming stronger and I’m not sure if I can hold back my feelings for her. She knows I like her a lot but not to what extent. Tonight I’m going to put everything on the table.

“You did well to choose something like this.” Claudia looked out the window and is amazed by the view of Paris at night. “I would’ve been okay with McDonalds.”

“We’re in Paris.” I took her hand as we wait for our dinner. “Let’s enjoy it on our last night here. Long day of traveling tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait.” Claudia couldn’t stop talking about going to Ireland all week. Since Paris has a direct train to London early in the day, we can be in Dublin by dinner. “I always loved Ireland since that movie ‘PS I Love You’. Too bad Gerry Butler’s Scottish.”

“So he was your Hollywood crush, eh?”

“Ever since ‘Phantom’!” She smiled as she looked out the window once again. “I’m going to miss this place. This has been one special trip here.”

“It was a special trip because you’re here.” I took her hand and placed a kiss there. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

“Hold that thought while I go to the ladies room.” Claudia got up and left me alone. I’m really getting nervous of telling her how I felt. At that moment, someone else came to my table.

“Luke?” A familiar cherry voice ringed my ear. “Well isn’t it Pretty Boy Schenn, sitting nice and pretty in Paris before my wedding.” I looked up and see a familiar brunette smiling at me. “Come here!”

“Wow. Janelle what the heck are you doing here?” I gave her a hug as I took in how she looked. I wasn’t planning to see her for a few more weeks for the wedding. While she’s always been very thin, seeing her with extra cleavage and a clingy dress makes her even more beautiful. “Is Drew here?”

“He told me to meet him here and I can’t find him. Wow it’s great to finally find you.” As Janelle continued to hug me, Claudia came back with her arms crossed.

“Luke, what the hell is going on?” Claudia growled as she was giving an evil eye to Janelle. “Who the hell is she?”

“Janelle Beauchamp… well almost Janelle Doughty. You must be Claudia.” Janelle lets me go and extended her hand. At that moment, Drew came over and found his fiancée. At that moment, Claudia’s fury subsided as she sees Drew. “This is my fiancée Drew. Don’t worry, we’re all friends.”

“Oh God. Sorry.” Claudia blushed as she shook Janelle’s hand. While I’m happy to see my friends here, I’m suspicious of why are they’re here. Oh Steven is so dead!