‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Somewhere in the Irish Sea...

While I thought carrying Claudia onto the train to Switzerland was crazy, try catching a couple of trains before catching a ferry. After dinner last night, I convinced Drew and Janelle to make the trip to Dublin with us since I prefer their company over the rest of the boys in Spain. Claudia was still embarrassed by her actions towards Janelle as she thought Janelle was hitting on me. As the night went on, the girls had a good laugh about the introduction.

We’ve made it to London by 9:30 and Holyhead by 4 with an hour to kill for that ferry to Dublin. I didn’t think about going to different train stations to catch that second train but we’ve made it. The ferry we’re in is a fast ferry boat so we’ll make it before dinner. We’ve found a table for four for ourselves as we enjoyed a snack and catching up. Claudia told her story to Drew and Janelle and thought that was crazy to run out of a wedding. Then they shared about their upcoming wedding plans which they include a simple honeymoon in Mont-Tremblant before heading back to California. Drew jokingly said that having Janelle here was like starting the honeymoon before having the wedding. I’m glad everyone was getting along and we can enjoy Dublin.

While Claudia was using the internet and Drew was looking for a calling card to call home, Janelle and I went to the club lounge to catch up.

“It’s really great to have you here.” Luke said while we’re looking ahead of the Irish Sea through the window. “I’m sure Steven put you up to this but I’m glad I have you. At least Drew managed to sneak out of the trip.”

“Well he did tell me about Claudia’s friends being very annoying on the trip so this was a blessing in disguise to have him here.”

“How are you feeling? Be honest.” I knew Janelle was exhausted with all that wedding planning and didn’t have time to relax.

“Some days are better than others. The fact that it’s almost here is terrifying yet exciting at the same time. I know some may think we’re rushing this or we’re too young but we know each other since we were 16 and besides the whole Brittany hiccup, we’ve been together. We just didn’t act on it until 2 years ago.”

“Have you and Drew talked about having kids?” I smiled as I took her hand.

“Not for a while. We’re still young. Maybe in 5 years but right now we’re going to enjoy each other.” She laughed as she took my hand away. “We eventually want a couple of kids but you never know.”

“So since we’re here, I do want to ask for your advice.”

“About Claudia?”


“First off, she’s a nice girl.” She explained. “Funny thing is that I didn’t know she knew Rene. They went to the same college together before he moved to Toronto. It’s a small world. Anyway, you better make sure. She had gone through hell with that wedding. Maybe she doesn’t want a relationship and want a rebound. I don’t know what’s on her mind but first talk and then be sure 100% that what you’re feeling for her is more than just lust.”

“Claudia is something else. I don’t want to let her go.”

“I know this isn’t a popular answer but you have to let her sort out what she wants to do. She has to face her family, who I am sure is very pissed off that she ran out of the wedding like that. Just talk to her in the meantime and go from there, but remember she still have to face them. That’s the best advice I could give you.”

“In that case, how did you know you were in love with Drew? I’m sure there was a specific moment.”

“I’m trying to think.” Janelle stayed quiet for a moment before speaking again. “The day he saw me crying in the girls bathroom in school was the moment I knew I have to have him in my life forever. But as far as the moment I was beginning to fall in love with him? The moment he picked me up after I hurt my knee. It took me a while to figure that out because he was always been a part of me since we’ve met.”

“You two really are one person, aren’t you? It’s fate.”

“I would say it is fate that brought us to the same high school and the events after that. But it was up to us to decide what to do with it after fate puts everything on the table. You’ll know when you find the right person.”

“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a long time but…” I leaned over and kissed her lips very gently. “I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time.”

“What was that?” She looked stunned.

“A kiss.”

“But why did you kiss me? Are you out of your mind?”

“I admit I had a crush on you during that time.” I looked at Janelle to see if I got another reaction. All I got from her was a blush. “However, the moment you went to LA, I knew I had no chance with you. I wasn’t going to ruin my friendships with you and Drew.”

“I’m very flattered.” Janelle finally spoke. “I admit I had a crush on you at the beginning. But two events changed it: Drew kissing me and the job offer in LA. Looking back if those things never happened, maybe we would’ve been together for a while. But I think in the end, I would’ve end up with Drew. Besides, after that, you were beginning to be like a brother I never had.”

“Guess every girl since then holds a very high standard.”

“Don’t put me in a pedestal. I’m not perfect. Drew can easily tell you that.” She laughed as she went over to give me a hug. “You’re going to be okay. Just talk to her and see what happens.” I’m so glad I was able to talk to her about it. I knew I can count on her. “Also don’t worry about the kiss. However, I’m just saving you a beating from Drew.”