‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Florence, Italy

We’re halfway through the ride to Florence and she and I haven’t spoken a word since entering the train. She was listening to music for most of the ride and hasn’t looked at me once. I see she was pulling out a small photo album with a picture of her family. Her mood was sad and with regret.

“He’s going to kill me.” Those were the first words to come out of her mouth in over an hour. By the sound of her voice, she’s definitely from Montreal.

“Who is?” I asked, finally responding to her.

“My dad. I’m his little princess, his mini bambina. I felt like I’ve crushed his dream.”

“I don’t mean to pry but what happened?” I asked as she removed her headphones off her ears.

“Long story short, I’m a runaway bride.” She turned and looked at me. Her brown eyes hint that sadness but nevertheless are beautiful. “This was supposed to be my honeymoon. My dad planned everything and how I repay him; I ran out of my own wedding. It felt like I was attending my own funeral instead.”

“Sorry to hear that. I know how you feel about living up to people’s expectations and when you don’t, you have hell to pay.” I was trying to make her feel better by comparing life as a Maple Leaf to her being an obedient daughter.

“Exactly.” She nods in agreement. “By the way, thanks for picking up my rosary yesterday.”

“Wait, what?” She pulls out her gold cross, the same thing I picked up at St. Peter’s.

“A rosary.” She laughed as she puts it away. “You’re not Catholic, aren’t you?”

“I’m afraid not. But it’s really nice I must say.”

“My Nonna gave it to me as a gift for my Conformation.” She puts her long brown hair into a bun as she looks at me and smiled. “So what’s brings you to Florence?”

“Just wanted to get away from my friends. I was supposed to go to Naples with them but thought I should check Florence instead.”

“Are you sure that’s your excuse and not because you want to follow some runaway bride you seen at a church the day before?” She joked as she takes out a bottle of water and drinks it.

“Okay I admit that to. However, that’s only because you seemed like you were alone and well… beautiful.” I can’t believe I’ve just said that to her.

“It’s okay and thanks for the complement.” She smiled as she pulls out her hand. “By the way, I’m Claudia.”

“Luke. Nice to meet you.” I took her hand and shook it. Something inside of me clicked as she leaned back to her seat and relaxed.

We’ve made it to Florence just in time for lunch. We talked a little bit more about what we experienced in Rome so far and her family roots. Her parents were born in Italy but immigrated to Canada right before her oldest brother was born. She has 2 older brothers who are married and have children, making her the youngest. Her mother passed away when she was young, so she was raised by her father and brothers.

At the station, she gave me her hand and shook it, ready to go to her destination. However, I wasn’t ready to leave her yet.

“Hey Claudia. Why not we spend the day together?” I offered as we made it to the exit. “You’re alone. I’m alone. Plus from what I heard, a city like Florence is best experienced with someone. So how about it?”

“So you don’t mind we look at Michelangleo’s David?” She laughed as we grabbed a taxi. “That’s part of my things to do.”

“By all means, sure.” We hopped into the cab and rode to her hotel. What I thought she was going to stay at a small B&B or hostel turns out to be a luxury hotel. After all, this supposed to be her honeymoon. “Wow, nice.” We got out of the car and entered the hotel. I’ve been to many hotels on the road and yet that wouldn’t match the lobby of this place. “I have to say your groom really is missing out.”

“He sure is. Listen, you can stick around but only for here in Florence. After that, join your friends in Naples. I’m going to change my room to two beds.” She went to the front desk to confirm her reservation.

However, she seemed a little pissed all of a sudden. I walked up to her to see what is going on.

“I reserved this months ago! How could you now find my reservation?” She was getting really angry as the agent continues to look for her reservation.

“I’m sorry signorina but your reservation was canceled yesterday.” The agent told her sounding sympathetic.

“WHAT?!” She screamed. “You got to be fucking with me! Reinstate it!”

“I’m sorry signorina but we are completely booked for tonight.”

“You better reinstate it!” She began to shout at the poor agent, causing a scene. “I booked this reservation for months!” Claudia began banging on the counter. “I swear to God on my mother’s grave that if you don’t reinstate my reservation right now, I’m gonna---” I shut her up with my mouth as we moved towards the exit. “Why the fuck did you did that for?”

“You think your father had something to do with it?” I asked wondering if her family is getting revenge on running out of the wedding.

“I need a place that has WiFi.” Claudia quickly found a café across the street from the hotel to get internet service. After she was able to get some internet service, she looked up her reservations, only to confirm the worst. “Fuck!”

“He did and my reservations in Venice and Rome.” She felt defeated and upset that her family would do that. “I guess he and my ex-fiancee wants to punish me for the wedding.”

“I’m sure there’s another hotel in town you can reserve.” We searched for other hotels only that they were sold out as well. However, we found a B&B in town that was reasonably priced. “Don’t worry it’s going to be fine.”

“Thanks. I can’t believe how cruel they can be.” She closed her laptop as we find another taxi to take us to the B&B.

Once we’ve made it to the B&B, Claudia’s mood calmed down. It wasn’t a luxury hotel she was going to stay in, but a quaint Tuscan house near to the museums in town. We’ve made it to the room, only to see one bed. Claudia was ready to go downstairs and unleash her fury on getting her room type wrong but I held her arm, knowing that she should be glad she got a room or else she would’ve had to settle on a cheap hostel.

“Calm down. I admit this room is nice.” I sat down on the bed and look up the canopy on top. This is more meant for honeymoons and the owners thought we’re a married couple. “It beats sharing a bed with your brother.”

“I know what you mean.” She lay down on the other side of the bed. “When my family and I take road trips as kids, I would always share the bed with my brother. He was such a cover hog.”

“Same as Brayden.” We both laugh as we took in the room. Deep down I want to just grab and kiss her but we just met and I doubt kissing was on her mind.

We went to the museum that houses Michelangelo’s David statue and the first thing came to my mind was how small his dick is. Even I have a bigger cock than the statue. But I noticed the little things that make this statue so popular; from the larger right hand to the curly hair. Claudia couldn’t help but laugh as she took a picture of the statue.

“He’s smaller than what I’ve seen in pictures.” Claudia continued to laugh as we walk out. “I think I can measure his thing with my pinky!”

“Hmm size queen, eh?” I teased her as we hit the exit and walk down the street.

“No. Just that I don’t think any sane woman would like it if they were as small as a pinky. I might as well use my own hand.”

“Okay I agree with you to stay in Florence only for you to make fun of a statue’s dick?” We crossed the street as we stand by the Neptune fountain.

“And for company!” She took out her camera and took a picture of me by the fountain.

“Well I’m glad I was able to help.” We asked another tourist to take a picture of the two of us by the fountain.