‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Venice, Italy

After a long day in which a stranger came out of nowhere and became my Florence companion, I was hesitant to go to bed. If my ex-fiancee knew I was doing, he would beat the shit outta him. I’ve been with Vito Colucci since I was 18 years old. Our dads set us up on a date and after months of trying to pursue me, I gave in. He’s was the type of guy I don’t usually go for; overly tanned, focused too much on his hair, and is downright cocky. However, he was a teddy bear when it all counted. When he proposed to me last year, I really wanted to say no. I was already enjoying life finishing college and starting my career as a high school English teacher. I wanted to see the world before settling down and being “a guido’s wife”. However, my dad didn’t want any of that. After all, he was raised in the old country.

For those months of planning, it became obvious my father, wanted me to have the weddings of all weddings in St. Leonard. My dad was hardworking and dedicated and made sure Anthony, Vincent, and I have the best lives possible growing up. But as the only girl and the youngest child, he also made sure that I was protected at all times. He didn’t want me to start dating boys, so he enrolled me at an all-girls private school when I was a kid. He didn’t want me to go to a college far away, so I decided to stay and attend John Abbott College on the other side of the island and then Concordia University. He didn’t want me to find another job other than working as a security at my dad’s construction business. He even didn’t want me to go to Spring Break with my friends as I might betray Vito. I love my dad but living the life like a sheltered nun was getting old. He got annoyed that I got a job at my old private school Villa Maria last semester as a student-teacher. I wanted to teach since I can remember and dad felt he had no one to take down appointments and phone calls. My job and my students gave me freedom to relax.

When I ran out of the church and got back inside the limo, I felt a sense of relief. It was the craziest thing I had ever done to defy my dad. This was my only way out. I left the engagement ring in the bride room, symbolizing that it was over between Vito and I. Thank goodness Alitalia took pity on me at the airport so I can fly to Rome a day earlier than anticipated.

I lying on my bed that I am forced to share with this stranger and wondered what I got myself into. I wanted a few days alone in Italy and yet some dude that looks like Leonard Whiting from “Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet” is now sleeping on the other side of my bed. I admit that Luke is cute, wait change that, beyond hot. Maybe it’s that Prairie boy accent he has. I kinda know who he is but I don’t follow hockey as much as my friends do. I think he plays for the Senators or Leafs but I really don’t care. Besides, Luke’s been nothing but a perfect gentleman and great company to hang out with.

We’ve spent the whole day discovering the rest of Florence, even trying out some authentic Tuscan food. There was an old lady on our way back to the B&B and gave him a rose. She gave us a blessing stating that we should remain happy and in love. I thought that was cute but funny because we’re anything but a couple.

“Luke, are you awake?” I asked as I looked behind my shoulder.

“Mmhmm.” Was all I got from him.

“You want to go with me to Venice? I actually like having you around.” I whispered as I turned over to him, our bodies protected by a pillow in between.

“As you wish. Now get some sleep.” He yawned as he went back to sleep. I think I have a way to really upset my dad and Vito.

After a nearly 2-hour train ride, we’ve made it to Venice. Luke and I managed to snatch another B&B in town, with him paying the tab. We haven’t learned too much about each other these past couple of days but spending time with him was much better than spending it in bed with Vito and his mechanical dick. After settling into our B&B, we took a walk around St. Mark’s Square.
“I see you’re having fun.” Luke gave me that million dollar smile as we took in the sights.

“Yeah, it’s really beautiful. You know back in the day this was the place to be for Carnival.”

“Glad to know that info.” Luke looks towards the water and see people going into gondolas. “Hey, you wanna ride one? My treat.”


“Yeah. I’ll even let you act like Madonna in the ‘Like A Virgin’ video.” Luke took my hand as we made it to the gondola.

“Funny thing is that this is one of the many things I want to do before I die.”

“Come again?”

“I made a list when I was sixteen of places I wanted to see and do in Europe before I die.” I took out a note and gave it to him.

“Hmmm… ‘ride on a gondola in Venice’. At least you were honest about that.” Luke continues to read the note as the gondolier began to belt out “O Solo Mio”. “‘Have authentic German beer. Learn the Vieneese Waltz. Go on top of the Eiffrel Tower.’ Ah the usual tourist bullshit.” Luke then looked at the rest of the list with amusement. “‘Attend a Liverpool game while singing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’? Learn how to yodel? Get high?’ No wonder why your dad was very protective of you.”

“Like I said, I wrote that when I was sixteen in the middle of AP European History class.” I laughed as I continued to hear the gondolier sing a few more Italian songs. “I think we’re approaching the bridge Madonna did her dip in ‘Like A Virgin’”. I got up and starting to sing an off-key version of the song and as the bridge approached I dipped down like in the video. Luke was lucky enough to record that moment.

We decided to have a small dinner at the terrace of the B&B. It has a nice view of the plaza and tourists and lovers getting into gondolas. After tomorrow, she and I were going to our separate ways; I go back to Rome and Montreal to face the music while he goes back to his friends in destinations unknown in Italy. I really like having company other than my family or Vito or my friends around and too bad I have to leave so soon.

“He’s really going to kill me.” I said while I was sipping on my wine. “That was a lot of money spent on that wedding.”

“I’m sure he’ll get over it.” Luke looked at the plaza below and seeing a couple kissing in the moonlight. “You know you don’t have to go back home.”

“I do. My flight leaves on Monday.” I look down, knowing that I don’t want to leave here. I was already having a great time.

“Then don’t. Change your flight or just do get on it.” Luke suggested and thought about it for a moment. Vito bought the tickets to Rome and maybe had followed me here. If I go back, he might be there waiting for me. But I also felt bad for what I did to my parents, especially my dad. “What are you thinking about?”

“My dad. I feel guilty about this but I know he’s going to get angry at me for all of this. He would want me to marry Vito once I get off the plane.” I looked at my half empty glass and thinking of the consequences.

“Then marry me!” Luke shouted as my mouth dropped.


“You heard me. Marry me!”

“I don’t know you.”

“Not for real. Just tell your father that you eloped with someone while you were here in Italy. He’ll get off your back and I’m sure that fiancée of yours will too. Plus you have enough pictures to prove that you’re with someone else.” Luke reached out of his pocket and grabbed a ring. “It’s my Nana’s ring. I usually have it in my pocket for luck.” He placed the ring on the same finger Vito placed the engagement ring over a year ago. “Just think about it because it’ll be a shame to see you leave like this.”

The next morning at the train station, we were ready to say our goodbyes. I thought about what Luke said last night of pretending to be married to him so I can buy time here before facing him. I didn’t want to defy my father for some stranger but the thought of doing something dangerous is thrilling within itself.

“I guess you’ve made up your mind.” Luke said as we wait for our trains to board. “All I can say it was great to spend time with you. Good luck with everything.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then something clicked inside me that if I don’t take that chance now, I might regret it later on.

“Wait. Give me the ring.” I asked as Luke placed the ring on my finger again. “I don’t want to go back to Rome.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah. But to make sure it’s believable, take the camera out and kiss me.” I nudge him to grab my camera out of my bag and hand it over to me. “That way he can’t say anything about it.”

“Well if you insist.” I prepared the camera and have us facing it for a moment before he and I pressed our lips together in a gentle kiss as I took the picture. Even though the contact was very light, I felt something in my gut. I look at his soft and juicy lips and thought about kissing it again but he broke the silence. “I don’t think I want to go to Naples either.”

“If you don’t want to go to Naples and I don’t want to go back to Rome, where do we go to?” I whispered as he looked behind me.
