‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Munich, Germany

As someone of German decent, I expected everyone in Germany to be either wearing lederhosen all day long or listening to David Hasselhoff all day. Luckily when Claudia and I arrived in Munich, we didn’t see any of that. We’ve only had a day here before heading to Switzerland so we needed to take advantage the beautiful day we were given.

Since most of the B&B’s in town requires a 2-night stay, we decided on a regular hotel instead in the center of town. After dropping off our things, we went on a tourist frenzy around town. After a fun filled day, we went out to dinner at the Hofbräuhaus. Since we’re a little too early for Oktoberfest, this was the next best thing to enjoy the experience.

“Did your friends answer your email?” Claudia asked as she took a sip of beer. The beers were huge; you can fit two bottles of Bud Lite in them and it won’t reach the top.

“Not yet but I’m sure they’re shocked.” I watched Claudia take sip after sip of her beer and wonder how a classy girl like her can drink beer with no problem.

“So tell me about them.” She was halfway done with her beer before she let out a burp. “Sorry.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect that out of you.” I laughed as she covered her poor mouth. “It’s okay, don’t worry. Anyway, I have plenty of friends out there but they are scattered all over the US and Canada.”

“So what do you do?”

“I’m an athlete; a professional athlete.”

“You’re a hockey player?”

“Well you got it right.” I hate blowing my cover but since she let me be plain ol’ Luke, I might as well tell her. “And I play for the Leafs.”

“Nice. Call me unpatriotic but I don’t follow hockey. I’m a soccer girl.” Deep down, I breathed a sigh of relief that she didn’t know anything about me. We laughed as we continued to drink our liters of beer.

“So how about your friends?”

“Well they are my… well my friends.” She shrugged as she looks at her empty glass. “They always go out to places without me, like to Mont-Trembant or to West Island. When I told them about my doubts, they were telling me it’s the right thing to do as an Italian girl to marry an Italian boy, especially if he’s a guido! Basically, I’m friends with the Snookies and Blair Waldorfs of the guido and fru-fru world. I wonder why they still have me around as a friend since I’m the only one with a decent job and not spend my days at the tanning and nail salon.”

“Wow I didn’t expect you to be friends with these types of girls. At least you didn’t turn into a ‘Jersey Shore Reject’.” We both laughed as the waitress gave us another liter of beer.

“I knew them since private school. I actually worked a semester at that same school earlier this year. I’m hoping to become an English teacher.” She showed me her wrist which holds a bracelet there. “That was given to me by my students for my birthday earlier this year.”

“They have good taste.” I smiled as I let go of her wrist.

“I love teaching. However Vito wants me to quit my job and be a housewife.” She took a big chug on her beer. “Thank goodness I didn’t marry that dude.”

Suddenly a very familiar song was playing by the band that I never want to hear again. They were playing “Chelsea Dagger” and couldn’t help but put my head down. During a game against the Blackhawks in Chicago’s United Center, they scored on us about eight times, forcing to hear this song. I thought the Canucks had it bad when they let in seven goals during a playoff game a few years back but this was worse.

Just when I brought my head back up, I see Claudia partying with other people at the bar and having a great time. By the looks of it, she’s on her third mug. After surviving that song, I joined in and had a great time chatting with many people there, both tourists and locals alike. The German guys were all over her but despite having plenty of drinks, she kept her cool and sweetness in check. She had this innocent girl but flirty diva persona to her as she plays with one man’s hair. As a German boy myself, I can see why guys are in awe of this Montrealer. Suddenly she bursts into some David Hasselhoff, The Scorpions, and Ramstein songs. Everyone was eating that up. Then again, we’re in Germany; home of fans of “The Hoff”, “Rock You Like A Hurricane”, and some medal band who’s got this song called “Du Hast”.

I carried her out of the brew house and took a taxi back to the hotel. In the end, Claudia must’ve consumed a total of six mugs of beer, which also about twice as many if this was a regular glass. It’s obvious she’s very drunk but just wanted to let loose tonight. I carried her into our room and placed her in one of the beds. Our train leaves first thing in the morning so it’s best to let her sleep. After I changed my clothes and get ready for bed, I reached to her side to make sure she’s covered. At that moment she gave a slight smile, knowing I was taking care of her. I leaned over and kissed her forehead before getting some sleep, knowing she’s going to feel like shit in the morning.