‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia


“Where are we?” Claudia moaned as she finally woke up.

“On the train. I had to carry you on to the train.” I whispered as she look around and see we’re halfway there to Zurich. She was a total mess. I didn’t want to beg her to get dressed so I let her keep what she was wearing last night and take the taxi to the station. Luckily we’ve made it on time, even though I had to carry her on. I don’t know how much strength I had to carry her, own my bag, and wheel her bag to the train.

“Where are we going again?” She moaned as her face was getting very pale.

“Zurich.” I pulled her up and lead her to the bathroom so she can throw up. Luckily, she made the toilet on time. After I let her puke on the toilet, I gave her a brush and toothpaste so she can brush her teeth. “I got some breakfast for you once you’re done.”

“Thanks, Luke.” She looks at me with dreamy eyes as she puked one more time in the toilet.

When she came back from the toilet, a newly refreshed Claudia came back to her seat, ready to start the day. She took the breakfast I bought for her at Munich; a blueberry muffin and water, and began to eat it as fast as she can. Once she was done, she put her head on my shoulder again and slept. She looks beautiful when she sleeps, even though she’s hung over from all that beer she consumed last night.

After getting off the train in Zurich, she and I were waiting for our second leg of our trip in Geneva. I’ve been to Zurich for the World Championships a couple of years ago and while I like the city, it brought me so many memories of what happened after our game against the Russians.

“How are you holding up?” I asked as I brought some McDonalds to her. “I thought this might help your stomach until we’re in Geneva.”

“A little better, thanks.” She smiled as she took out a small bag of french fries. “Why are we bypassing Zurich? I thought that was the plan.”

“I figured you might need the rest since you were trashed last night. Plus we would’ve stopped in Geneva anyway before heading to Nice. I canceled the room here and got something else in Geneva.”

“Was I really bad last night?” She looked at me very innocently. “I mean I’m still wearing the same clothes from yesterday.”

“It was cute. You’re entitled to have a great time.” I gave her a side hug as she continues to eat her fries. “Plus I got the evidence.”

“Ah showing it to my precious daddy.” She laughed as she reached for the camera and looked at the pictures. “He’s going to die!”

“I remember when my friends and I had this chugging contest and one of my friend’s girlfriend won. I think you probably would’ve given her a run for her money.” I showed her a picture of Steven, Drew, Janelle, and I last summer in Toronto after a Blue Jays game. “Janelle is not much of a beer drinker but she drank like a pro.”

“Aw. Was she your ex-girlfriend?” She asked as she took in what everyone looks like.

“No. She’s my friend. She’s marrying my friend Drew in a few weeks.” I pointed out who was who in the picture. “I admit I had a huge crush on her at the time. But it was clear that her heart truly belonged to him. I’m going to be their best man.”

“Wow that’s exciting. Have you ever told her about your feelings?”

“Never. I just wanted her to be happy.” Sometimes I do wonder what could’ve been but I know in the end, she probably would’ve end up with Drew. It was one of those cases of fate.

“I had a situation once where I had a crush on my friend’s boyfriend.” Claudia explained. “However while I did told him about it, the reception wasn’t too great on both ends. My friendship with her did survive that but he had nothing nice to say about me.”

“That sucks. You seem like a sweet girl.” I brushed her light hair back and looked at her. “Well that old crush is a jerk.”

“We were 15 at the time. Plus she eventually dumped him.” She blushed as we heard the announcement to board on the Geneva train. “Hoes over bros!” She got up and took her bag of fries and luggage to the train.

We’ve made to Geneva in three hours, enough time for Claudia get more sleep and for me to keep on looking at her. After checking in, I let her take a shower while I catch up with emails. I read a few important emails to see if anyone was worried.

How’s Austria? Managed to pick up some lederhosen along the way? We’re having fun in Capri. OMG, PK was checking out some girl only to realize it was a shemale. LOL Hope you’re having fun with dream girl! TTYL


Brayden then enclosed a picture of PK and the shemale on the boat. I couldn’t contain my laughter with this one. The next was from none other than PK himself.

Yo Luke! I bet your brother already told you about the transie on the boat. Anyway, hope you’re okay in Austria. Did you manage to egg Thomas Vanek’s family home? LOL I’m just playin’. Anyway, see ya in Barcelona.


Luckily PK and the boys sent me another picture of them having a great time with the Mediterranean as the background. Finally there was an email from LA.

Hey Schenner! Hope you’re having fun on your vacation. Drew told me that you took a detour to Austria. Did you managed to sneak some chocolates over there? Hope you’re having fun. Please let Drew know you’re okay because I don’t trust PK, Steven, or Bray. TTYL!

Janelle (and your favorite 4 guys in the world stuck in Italy)

Janelle enclosed a picture of her, her friend Rene, and her cousins fixing their new home in Manhattan Beach. Now that Drew’s got that big pay day, he was able to buy the house of his dreams and can share with someone like her.

Claudia came out of the shower with nothing but a towel on, looking for her panties in her bag. I’m trying to not show how I’m turned on by her at that very moment. Her hair was wet from washing it, her towel tightly clutched into her body and her legs look very smooth. She had changed in the bathroom since we started this trip together but this is the first time she is out and about with a towel on. I took a pillow to hide my happy friend from saying hello. This is torture. She then came up to me and gave me a hug.

“Thanks for taking care of me.” She kissed my forehead as she disappeared to the bathroom again with her panties. Oh this is really going to be torture.