‹ Prequel: Goth & Donut
Status: expect a chapter a day until New Years... bringing the story back to Mibba

Chasing Claudia

Milan, Italy

The cafés on the streets were booming with locals and tourists alike as they make it through the square during rush hour. Milan wasn’t part of the plan but we decided to stop there for the day before figuring out how to get to Barcelona. We’ve checked the flights and trains and felt all those connecting stops were too much on us. Luckily, we were able to locate a rental car in town to make the 9-hour journey to Spain from here.

We’re enjoying our break when we noticed two girls were staring at us since we got here. Both girls are pretty but they looked like they could either be locals who doesn’t know English or tourists who might know who we are.

“Brayden, stop staring at them.” I begged him to stop giving us an invitation to talk to them when our plan was to get to Barcelona in time before Luke goes elsewhere.

“But they’re hot. Look at them.” He pointed at the girls, who were now giggling. “Fine Stamkos, being a wuss.” Brayden walked over to them and gives his usual pickup lines to have the girls to come over. From the looks of my angle, the girls felt for it. As much as I don’t mind flirting with other women, now wasn’t the right time. “Guys, I want you to meet Lorelei and Vicky. They’re from---”

“Oh my God, it is PK Subban!” Vicky, a petite and pudgy curly haired brunette with blonde highlights who can pass being Snooki’s double, squealed to her friend. Based on their accents, they’re from Montreal. “Lori, I knew it. I knew it was PK!”

“Excuse my friend for being too excited.” Lori, a brunette with some mahogany highlights yet spends too much time at the tanning salon, blushed as she trying to calm her friend down. “She’s a Habs fan.”

“Thanks.” PK blushed as he let the girls join us. “I didn’t think people would find me here.”

“We didn’t expect that but I could recognize you anywhere, Peeky!” Vicky sat on PK’s lap and gives him a hug. PK couldn’t help but hug her back and was starting to eat up the attention.

“Hey, what about me?” Brayden felt like he was left out.

“Oh don’t worry. I’ll just come over to you.” Lori went over and sat on his lap. “You know I have a thing for hot feminine looking guys.”

After we had ordered some wine and beers, we talked about our trips so far when Lori brought up something very important.

“We’re looking for our friend.” She stated while taking a sip of her wine. “Claudia was supposed to get married over a week and a half ago but ran off.”

“Her daddy is so pissed off.” Vicky added. “He paid for the whole wedding and everything. If my daddy did that, I would’ve been very fortunate.”

“Anyway, he found out that she went to Rome and was supposed to go to Florence until he decided to cancel her reservation.” Lori continued as he began to massage Brayden’s shoulders.

“So that’s where we come in.” Vicky was playing with PK’s hair, which he didn’t mind. “He sent us over to come to her senses. We figured she might be in Milan because what woman wouldn’t want to come here.”

The girls continued their story about their missing friend and how she didn’t want to get married when Drew remembered something.

“Funny you said that because there was some runaway bride that was on our plane.” Drew remembered as he reached for the bread. “And based on what you’re telling us it happened on the day we flew to Rome.”

“She’s a blonde with this sleeveless dress.” Brayden added, describing the bride. “Anyway, she seemed upset and was worried her dad or fiancée was going to hunt her down. You should’ve seen her.”

“So PK, what brings you to Italy?” Vicky cooed as she placed her head on his shoulder.

“Well it’s because it’s Drew’s bachelor vacation since he’s getting married but now we’re looking for our friend.” PK was getting a little nervous by the PDA Vicky was giving to him. “He took off to go to Florence instead of Naples.”

“Is Carey Price here?” Ronnie jumped as she mentioned another Habs. “Or is it Mike Cammalleri?”

“Hello? 50 goal scorer.” I singled to them but they don’t seem to care.

“Actually it’s my brother, Luke.” Brayden intrupted. “Long story short, he went on a different train to chase some girl he originally seen on the Metro in Montreal. All we know is that they’re heading to Barcelona.”

“And we’re staying here for the night to figure if we should take the train or get a rental car instead.” I added. “Luckily, we got the later.”

“Here’s a picture of them in Venice.” Brayden gave the girls the email with the picture and both girls’ jaws dropped.

“That’s Claudia!” The girls shouted out loud. “Holy shit, that’s Schenn from the Leafs. Oh Vito and her dad is going to kill her.”

“You’re kidding me! That girl my brother’s chasing is that same friend of yours?” PK asked.

“We can recognize Claudia anywhere.” Lori took the picture and email and looked at it. “She’s not like us. She’s too sweet and homely. Is it possible you can fit two more girls into your car? We’ll love to go to Spain with you.”

“But Lori our flights in--” Vicky whined as the two have a quick discussion within themselves. The only thing I had to say is that’s it’s a small world after all. “Can we go with you?”

The boys and I discussed what we should do in this case. Luke’s go the runaway bride and we’re all looking for them. I wasn’t in favor of having them around because they seem the type who would want to stop at every gas station for a bathroom break or food. However, Brayden wants to find his big brother, Drew wants some company other than us and calm wedding nerves, and PK wants some free ass.

“Okay girls. Which hotel are you staying at tonight?” I asked as I wondering if I’m doing the right thing letting Snooki and J-Woww wannabes into the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Victoria "Vicky" Hennessy
Lorelei "Lori" DiMaio

Last update for the day... they'll be 1 chapter a day until New Years.