Status: Temporarily on Hold.

You Take A Part Of Me

Playing With Alligators


Skye walked through the set of the second movie, more than nervous. She was supposed to do her first stunt today and she didn’t even know what it was. At least Johnny didn’t know any of her fears so he couldn’t use something like that against her.

“Hey, you OK?” Chris asked, walking up beside her.

“Nervous.” She rubbed her arm and glanced at him then the ground.

“Don’t worry.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. “The more you worry, the worse it’ll be.”

Skye nodded and sighed. “Have you seen what I’m doing?”

“No, Bam must know thought because he’s been running around smirking.”

“Great.” She laughed and looked at Dunn who was messing with a rubik’s cube.

“It’s cool that you want to join us. None of the girls around want to.”

“I can’t imagine why.” She laughed. “You guys get rough.”

“True.” He laughed. “But we have fun.”

“I can tell. It’d be fun to join.”

“And painful.” He laughed again.

“Very.” She laughed and looked down.

“You get used to most of the shit that goes on after awhile.”

“I hope so.”

Chris smiled at her and removed his arm from around her shoulder. “You’d better go find Johnny.”

Skye nodded and waved bye, walking around in hopes of avoiding the ring leader rather than finding him.

“There you are!” Bam yelled.

“Great.” Skye murmured and moved the hair out of her face. “Don’t kill me.”

“You’re only riding a bull, chill.”

“A bull!? ARE YOU CRAZY?” She shrieked as her eyes widened.

“Come on!” He laughed and grabbed her arm, dragging her through the film crew.

“No!” She screamed and pulled her arm away to run.

She turned around and ran into Steveo who helped Bam pick her up. “I hate you guys!” She yelled and struggled to get free.

“I found her!” Bam called to Johnny who laughed at her situation.

“Hi there Skye!”

“Tell them…to put me down…before I make it so THEY CANT REPRODUCE.” She grunted, trying to pull away.

“Are you going to run?”


“Then no!” He smiled.

Chris walked up in his Bunny the Lifeguard outfit and laughed at Skye.

“Don’t tell me you’re laughing at me!” She said, eyeing him. “Why are you dressed like that?”

“We’re playing with alligators!”

“NO, NO JOHNNY” Skye glared. “There is no way in hell I am going to swim with an alligator.”

“Just relax, there’s a bathing suit in my trailer, go put it on.”

“Johnny I really hate you.”

“No you don’t, just go.”

Skye glared and pulled away from the two boys holding her. She stormed off and walked along until she came up to Johnny’s trailer. She opened the door and walked inside; looking around for the bathing suit Johnny was talking about. She found a silver bikini and raised an eyebrow.

“If he thinks I’m wearing this, he’s crazy.” She murmured to herself and pulled her hair into a ponytail.

Skye pulled her shirt off and then her bra, making sure that she locked the door before getting too naked. She put on the bikini and patted cold water on her face from her water bottle.

“I can’t believe I’m about to do something stupid.” She sighed and pulled jean shorts on along with a loose-fitting tank top. She gulped down some of her water and puts her phone in her bag of stuff.

“Are you ready?” Chris knocked on the door and tried to open it.

“Yeah.” Sky sighed and opened the door to let Chris in. “I’m just nervous.”

“Everyone on set gets nervous for things; you just have to go at it.”

Skye nodded and looked at him. “Do you get nervous?”

“I don’t do stuff that is as intense as others but yeah, I still get really nervous.”

“Well, I better get out there.” Skye said and brushed past Chris and started walking.

“Hey!” He called from behind her.

“What?” She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

“Want to give Bam a scare before you do your skit?” He smirked and held up a cut-off piece of hose.

“Oh, I would love nothing more than that.” She smirked back and took the hose from Chris

She held it behind her back and walked down the stone path to where everyone was. She looked around for Bam with Chris right behind her and the smirk appeared on her face once again. Her and Chris walked up behind Bam, who was talking Johnny. Johnny went to say something so Chris held a finger to his lips to keep him quiet.

Skye threw the rope around the back of Bam’s neck which caused him to yell, through his beer, pull at the hose around his neck and run. Everyone around them started laughing hysterically as Bam glared and started swearing.

“I don’t trust any of you fucks.” He said, picking up another beer.

Skye laughed and high-fived Chris then hugged him. “That was awesome.”

“Feel any better?”

“A little bit.” She nodded and turned to Johnny.

“What exactly am I doing?”

“You’re going off the roof.” He said as if it was a simple thing.

“And how do you plan on that happening?” Skye raised an eyebrow.

“Follow me.”

Skye followed the group of Jackass boys to one of the nearby buildings. A few feet from the building was a blow up pool full of water and two shopping carts close to it. The gears in Skye’s head started turning and she knew she was going off the roof in a shopping cart, with the purpose of landing in the pool. She guessed it was better than not having a pool to land in, but she was still scared of missing the pool all together.