And All Things Will End



Jimmy and Reece made it through all the rumors and all the stupid people that tried to pull them apart. Today is their two year anniversary of being together, and their year anniversary of marriage. They couldn't be happier. Everything was falling into place perfect. They were talking about starting their family.

The only thing that has thrown everyone off, Jillian passed away seven months prior to this night. She was drivng Matt home from a bar one night, they were laughing and talking about their daughter that was days from being born. Another drunk driver never saw Jilli's car. And it was all over. They were able to save the baby, but Jillian died in the hospital a few hours later. It was probably the worst things that could have happened to all of them.

Matt sat in the corner, depressed yet trying to look happy for Reece and Jimmy. Ember was the only thing that could make him happy. She was the exact image of Jillian.

"Reecie, looks like Jimmy has a thing for you mom." Johnny yelled, laughing.

Reece shook her head, dancing around with Nekoda, Corinne, Vanna, and Dillon, her cousin. Jimmy was in the middle of the dance floor with her mom and her sisters. As much fun as she was having at the club, she was ready to go home. The flashing lights were making her nauseous and her feet were hurting really bad. She squeezed between the girls and went over to Jimmy. Of course, he didn't realize she just walked over to talk. He grabbed her, pulling her in front of him so they could dance together. Hell, she let him have his fun. She loved being in his arms anyways.

"I can't believe my little girl has been married for a year today!" Her mother shouted, smiling as she danced in front of her. "Your daddy would be so proud you if he were here. He always wanted the best for his angel, and Jimmy, he's giving you the world."

Reece smiled, tearing up as the image of her dad ran through her mind. He has always told her she'd marry a prince that took care of her like no other could. Her life would always be so perfect until the day she was laid to rest forever. On her wedding day, she has stared at the place he was supposed to be sitting for the longest time. Cancer took him from her a few months after she met Jimmy. And if she wouldn't have had her Jimmy, life would have meant nothing.

"He's looking down, smiling, princess." Jimmy whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek.

She smiled as Jimmy raised his glass in the air, screaming the lyrics to the song playing along with everyone around him. They didn't stay at the club much longer after that. Everyone seemed to merge to Reece and Jimmy's house. Her family mixed with all of her friends and Jimmy's family was a funny sight to see dancing around the living room.

Reece shook her head, walking over to the corner of the room, sitting in the big comfy chair Jimmy had for when he liked being in his own world to read. Dillon walked over, sitting in her lap. She laughed, poking his side.

"What are you doing, fat head?"

"Just came to keep you company." He looked over his should, smiling. "So, tell me about you and Jimmy? How has life been? Are you guys planning on kids soon? What? I need the details."

"Well, Jimmy and I are pretty much perfect together, life is wonderful with him, and about the kids, well..I'm not really sure what to say."

Dillon turned completely around, looking at her.

"You guys want kids soon?"

"I..I haven't talked to him about that, but it might be a little to late to be talking about it. Especially if it's already here."

"You're pr..." Reece quickly covered his mouth before he could tell the whole room. She narrowed her eyes, giving him a warning as she moved her hand. "Reecie, are you sure?"

"I'm not sure of a damn thing, to be honest. I bought some pregnancy test yesterday when I was out buying stuff for today, but I didn't get a chance to take them considering Jimmy and I have been attached at the hip since last night. I mean, I can't even go into the bathroom without him being right there behind me asking me what I'm doing. Could you imagine me peeing on a stick and having to explain that?"

Dillon broke out in giggle fits, covering his mouth with his hand. Reece on the other hand, didn't find it to amusing. She was actually pretty freaked out. What if Jimmy didn't want a baby right now? That's all that ran through her mind as she looked over at him, watching him party it up and act like a fool. Would he be ready to give that up or at least slow it down?

"C'mon, Ree, I'll go with you and you can take the damn thing." Dillon said, getting up. He helped her to her feet and down the hall to the bathroom. Reece went through her purse, digging out three test. Dillon shook his head, standing guard as she took them. "How long do we have to wait?" He asked, making a face as she brought the test towards him.

"I don't think...we'll even have to wait." She said, looking at the one in her hand, then down at the others. She had gone paler than the normal as she looked up at Dillon. "I'm so pregnant."

He was pretty happy, and he kept trying to reassure her that Jimmy was going to be so excited, but she wasn't to sure. You never know these things until it happens.

Reece skipped going back to the party to retire upstairs. She thought she was going to go to bed early after she got out of those tight clothes and relaxed, but she was so wrong. All she could do was toss back and forth, thinking about how to tell Jimmy and figuring out what his expression might be. For some reason, all she saw was him walking away from her. Jimmy doesn't seem like that kind of person, though. She was so confused and scared.

"Babe," The bedroom down opened enough for Jimmy to slide in. He smiled at her when he realized her eyes were open. "What are you doin' up here? Tired or something?"

"Yeah, I wasn't feelin' to good down there so I thought if I came up here and relaxed, it'd help."

"Aw," He sat his beer on the night stand, stripped, then climbed in bed behind her. "My poor Reecie cup." He rubbed her back, snuggling up to her. "I'll just have to baby you until you get better."

All she could do was smile, closing her eyes as she drifted off into a deep sleep.


Reece woke up a little after noon to voices downstairs. Loud voices to be exact. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and looking around. Jimmy wasn't in bed anymore.

"Jimmy?" She whispered, climbing out of the bed, walking over to the bathroom. "Jimmy, baby, are you in there?"

She pushed the bathroom door open, poking her head in to see, but he wasn't in there. He must have been downstairs were all the loud voices were coming from. Reece doesn't know why she didn't think of that before. Loud and Jimmy just fit together.

Jimmy was running through the kitchen, chasing Reece's little brother. They were laughing, acting like big kids who was all hyped on sugar. Reece's parents just sat there, laughing about it all. To see them so happy with Jimmy made Reece smile. Either way, with their approval or not, she knew she was going to be with Jimmy.

Jimmy stopped when he noticed Reece in the kitchen doorway. He smiled, putting his hands behind his back. "Hey, princess. We were just, uh.."

"Destroying the kitchen?"

He chuckled, kissing her cheek. "You stole the words right out of my mouth, honey bunch." Jimmy and Reece sat around, whispering cute little stuff into each others ears, stealing a few kisses while waiting on her family, other than Dillon, to leave. And when they finally did, Reece tried avoiding Jimmy. He knew something was up with her, she just didn't know if she could lie to him. "Reecie?"

"Yes, baby?"

Jimmy sat at the table, looking at the chair her wanted Reece to sit in. She quietly walked over, sliding into the chair. Dillon, who had been standing in the doorway, had turned away and walked off. Perfect.

"There is something you need to tell me." He looked up from his hands, staring her in the eyes. "I know it, you know it, Dillon knows it. You're keeping somethin' from me, and I would really appreciate knowing. I am your husband, you know. You can tell me anything."

But how was she going to break a baby to him?

"Can't we talk about this another time? Maybe when I'm ready?"

"You're ready enough to tell Dillon." He rolled his eyes. "I'm your fuckin' husband for Christ's Sake! We are supposed to tell each other everything, but you are hiding something."

"Dillon is my best friend. That's why he knows."

"And I'm not your best friend."

Reece sighed, rubbing her temples with her index fingers. "It's not the same, Jimmy, and you know it."

"The fuck it is. I'm your husband, your best friend. Did you forget that you told me that just yesterday? Why can't you just tell me? Fuck!"

"Jimmy, just fuckin' drop it. I'll tell you on my own time, okay?!"

Reece started to get up and clean the kitchen up when Jimmy just stood. He stared at her for a good minute before just walking off. They have fights all the time. It was apart of being married. He was just going to go upstairs, cool off in a nice hot shower or beat on his drum and he was going to come back down with a different attitude and act like nothing was just said. Well, that's normally what happens.

Her heart dropped when she saw him stop in the kitchen doorway, bags packed. He looked rather sad, but he was really about to walk out of that door, and she didn't know if he was going to look back. What if he didn't?

"Jim..." Jimmy held up his hand, silencing her. He didn't have anything to say as far as she could tell. Before she would make a move to get to him, he walked away. Dillon ran into the kitchen, grabbing her, and shoving her towards the direction Jimmy had walked in. Reece ran up to Jimmy just as he was about to shut the door. "Jimmy, I'm pregnant."
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Word Count: 1794