And All Things Will End



Things were beginning to just suck in the Sullivan household. Jimmy didn't want things to be this way, but for some reason lately, he couldn't stop them. He was going out more, hanging out with the guys, going to strip clubs. Reece was finally growing tired of it. She was tired of staying home alone all night with a four year old. Jimmy wasn't quite understanding it at first, and when he started, it was too late. She was already going off, yelling at him, throwing things at him. That's just one thing you don't do. Not to James Owen Sullivan and get away with it.

"Can't you send Owen up to bed or something before you precede to yell and throw things at me, please." Reece rolled her eyes, picking up their son and stomping up the stairs. He knew she'd be a minute. Owen won't live without a short bedtime story. "Thank god! Peace and quiet for a few minutes."

Jimmy walked off to the kitchen where Reece kept all of his medicine put up. He quickly popped an Anxiety pill and a pain killer before hearing Reecie on her way back down the stairs.

"Now, where were we?"

She placed her hands on her hips, staring at Jimmy as if she expected him to answer her. He shook his head, taking his car keys from his pocket.

"Matt texted me about an hour ago. I'ma go meet the boys at the bar."

"Like fuckin' always, Jimmy. Just go ahead and walk out. All I ever see is the back of your fuckin' head as you go out the god damn door. I'm pretty fuckin' sick of it."

He wasn't in the mood for all of this. Not tonight.

"Don't wait up for me, Reecie Cup." He stole a kiss from her soft, pouty lips before running out the door.


Before he could even made it to the bar, Nekoda texted him, asking him to meet her at starbucks. Reece has called her. He wasn't stupid, but then again, that was her best friend. He didn't blame her.

Jimmy walked into Starbucks, looking around for Nekoda, who was sitting off in the corner reading her book. He walked over to her, sitting down. She didn't look happy, but then again, Koda always had a look on her face that made people think she was pissed off or mad when she wasn't.

"Hey, sweetie." He said, smiling over at her. She looked up from her book, glaring at him. Oh yeah, Reece had called her. "What's wrong, Koda?"

"What's wrong with Reecie Pieces? She called me crying her eyes out. I could barely understand a word that was coming out of her mouth."

He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "We just got into a fight."

"A fight?" Jimmy nodded, Nekoda rolled her eyes. "A fight doesn't make people cry like that, Jimmy. What was the fight about?"

"About me going out all the time."

Nekoda hit Jimmy on the head with her book. "Then why the fuck do you do it? What's wrong with spending a few nights at home with your wife and Owen? They might like to spend a little bit of time with you, you know."

"I like going out!"

"But you have a family, Jimmy. You can't just go out whenever you want and still expect things to be okay." Nekoda got up. "C'mon, let's go back to my house. The guys are meeting up there."

Jimmy nodded, getting up. When they got to Nekoda and Zack's house, Matt and Brian were walking to the kitchen, laughing and stumbling around. Johnny was sitting on the couch, beer in hand. He was staring at something off in the corner of the room, but Jimmy and Nekoda couldn't quite see what it was. Of course, Nekoda walked over, slapping Johnny's shoulder.

"What the hell are you starin' at, Midget Boy?"

He didn't say anything. He just pointed to the corner. Jimmy and Nekoda slowly looked over, seeing Vanna and Zack laying on the couch. Zack was attempting to push her away, but Vanna kept pushing herself on him, kissing his neck. Jimmy had never seen Nekoda move so fast in his life. Before he could even blink, she was across the room, snatching Nekoda up by her hair.

"Uh, what the fuck is going on in here?" Brian asked, walking back into the room with Matt right behind him. "Is Nekoda hitting Van... Oh, yes, she is. What happened?"

"Vanna was makin' a move on Zack." Jimmy said, laughing as Matt handed him a beer. "I think Nekoda is gonna kill her. Like, she's going to die three times before Koda is done."

"Well," Brian smiled, takin' a sip of his beer. "Looks like we'll have some entertainment tonight."


Reece was sleeping on the couch when Jimmy finally got home around seven that morning. She was curled up in the corner of the couch with Owen snuggled up next to her. Jimmy walked over, running his hand along her face before leaning down, kissing both of them.

He slowly walked up the stairs. For some reason, he wasn't tired at all. That gave him some time to completely the rest of the song he had been writing for the new album. It was special, something for everyone he had ever cared about. They'll love it, he was sure it. It was something none of them would ever forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 896

Yeah, probably going to be the shortest chapter of all.