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The Religious Experience


Beige. White. Grey.
Those are the colors I'm permitted to wear. Any other color is innapropriate, though secretly I do enjoy blue. A light blue....I find it beautiful. It's my greatest wish to wear it, although I know that would be impossible. Mother says it's silly to dream. I hope she's wrong.

Mother and Father are my guides into the world, I didn't go to school until the age of 11. They've told me all about the world. All about the idiotic views of the world, how God is our savior (how could I possibly forget?), and how foolish dreams are. How childish wishing on a star is. They say God can only grant someone's true hopes. I'm not sure if I believe that; the Bible doesn't quite mention that.

I suppose I should inform you on how I look. I'm not allowed to wear make-up. I have rather long brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. I think Eden fits my looks perfectly. I'm not sure what looks have to do with life; but they are important to some people. I wish I could be one of those people. At least then I'd be a bit less bland.

Mother says I look ugly. I always frown when she says that. I don't know why she would say that, but it isn't against the Bible.

And if so, I hope she gets punished. I do love her though, but sometimes I would just like to hope for the worst for her.

I'm not Christian if anyone is wondering; I'm a Calvinist.

Calvinism is a religion in which I can''t wear fancy clothes, I can't sing, dance, play cards, and the sermons for church are hours long. My ancestor John Calvin started it. My parents are hard-core and strict Calvinists.
But wouldn't you be if your great(X10)grandpa was him?

But I do have some fun. Like when I'm at school or going out for some milk, I'll let my hair out of my per usual bun.
Crazy, right?

Okay, I can understand it isn't that exciting for everyone, but for me it's a rather big deal!

Clearly I'm not allowed near boys. The last time a boy asked me out I was slapped for even suggesting a picture show with him to Mother.

I turn to face the clock, 8:00 p.m. Time to pray.
♠ ♠ ♠
Any Calvinists don't get mad at us. We are exaggerating. This is just a story.
So I hope you liked. Eden is sooooooo strange.
But her Mother is the weird one...
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