Status: Comments=love and Cookies.

The Religious Experience


Mother told me to go and visit the neighbors. I saw their car drive into the yard of the house parallel to ours. They look nice. I quickly got the brownies mother made for them and scurried on over.

I rang the door bell once and stood waiting. I’m silently hoping it isn’t the boy who answers…he seems to wild for my tastes. Thankfully, it appears the mother has answered. Her tan skin and red hair seem to clash a bit but I don’t mention. She’s very pretty, but holds a sour look on her face. I wish she’d change the expression. It ruins her look.

“Hello. I’m Eden Calvin, one of your neighbors. It’s a pleasure.” I give her a warm smile.

She returns it immediately. I like this woman, she seems nice. She invites me in, so politely I sit down. She asks simple questions. Like where I go to school, how old I am, and what my hobbies are. I do the same, learning her name is Lucy and that she doesn’t work, and that she likes to garden.

“Is there a church nearby? A nice, quiet, Christian one?” She asks while sipping on some tea she had prepared earlier.

“I wouldn’t know. You see, I’m Calvinist.” I point out. She nods and sets her tea down.

“Ah. And how is that? I hope that didn’t sound offensive.” Lucy asks. I like how she quickly apologized for any offense, even though there wasn’t any.

“Well it’s a tad strict. But when there are so many oppertunities to sin, it has to be a bit strict here and there. Luckily, we’re chosen on weather or not we’ll sin. It’s good actually.” I took a sip from my tea. I hoped Lucy was one of the ones who was chosen, she’s very nice.

She smiled. “I’m glad you enjoy it. Would you like to meet my son? I believe he’s here.”

I nodded, though I wished I’d have said no. I don’t like boys, they always call me names and throw things. It’s all just a bother.
“Derek! Come down and meet our neighbor! She’s fabulous!” I heard my mother yell. I heard someone giggle and thank my mother for being so nice.

"I'm coming." I walked down the shit that some how passed for stairs. When I looked down at the 'nice neighbor' I saw some chick. She was really tall for a girl(like 5'8"). She had palish brown hair, and a boring face that wasn't all that pretty. And her clothes...Jeez, it was like she just stepped out of the fifties. Everything about her was boring.

“Darling this is Eden Calvin, our new neighbor.” My mom said. She seemed so enthusiastic about her I had to pretend to be interested.

“Hey.” I said, holding out a hand. She quickly shook it, and went on about how great it was to meet me. Ugh…

“She brought some brownies.” My mom whispered, trying to get me interested.

"Sweet! Food!" I cheered and reached for the brownie(obviously the corner piece, they're the best!) when my mom slapped my hand.

“Be polite about it!” She scolded. I rolled my eyes.

“Thank you.” I said turning to Eden. She smiled at me.

I smiled back, grabbing the sweet delicious brownie. Oh god these taste like angel abortions!

“Dude! These taste delicious!” I said after taking a bite. She laughed, but it seemed restricted. Like the laugh was almost forced. Weird.

Eden was a really strange girl…she just seemed so boring. And it was kind of creepy the way she seemed so organized and precise.

Once again, she’s strange..
I enjoyed Derek. He was nice and funny. He also had blue eyes…my favorite color. He was very entertaining. He made me smile. Though I had a feeling about him…like he was off somehow. However, I couldn’t place it. I suppose if God wants me to know, I’ll know eventually.

I arrived home late. I explained to my parents, and they understood. But they said because I was late, I’d lose free time. Which wasn’t very bad. I could live with not going to the library.

I spent most of the night praying and reading the Bible along side my parents. I thought about God. We had an intimate conversation, though I was the only one speaking, I knew he was listening. I told him of my desire to become friends with Lucy and Derek.
I felt spiritual. As if while I was speaking with God, it was lifting me to the air, though I was sitting on the ground. I was not casual in prayer, as no one should be. I was always serious and sincere in prayer.

As you should be.

That our hearts may be fired with a zealous and burning desire ever to seek, love and serve [God], while we become accustomed in every need to flee to him as to a sacred anchor

Afterwords, I slipped on my white nightgown and brushed my hair. I thought about Derek again. He was like poison to my mind. He spread, even though our time meeting was short. He somehow made a big impression on me. Which was fine, but it was a bit curious.

I rest my head on my pillow. I wondered if Derek and I would ever talk again. It made sense that we would, we are neighbors, but I was admittingly anxious. I wondered why. It wouldn't make much of a difference if we didn't meet in the next minute, but I couldn't deny how anxious I was.

It was odd. Then again, Derek was odd, so it made sense.

Yet I couldn't stop the anxiousness.

I wonder why...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha ha, I really like Derek >-<
He's awesome....
I had to edit this...his mom seemed like a jerk before...


BTW: This is how I pictured the main characters:
(Only without the tattoo)

