But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter one

I sat in the cafeteria, eyeing the slop before me. I had grown accustomed to the slop after being on this ship for 21 years, but I still didn’t like it. When I first got on here I know that I refused to eat it, and then when I did finally eat it my gag reflex reacted and I threw it all up. But now I could actually swallow it, and it didn’t taste as bad. It was like being forced to eat green vegetables, when all you really wanted was a steak.

Life before the slop, life before the ship. It was hard to remember, I was only 3. The Saiyan race are aware of their existence from the moment they’re born, but after spending most of my childhood in isolation, I had forgotten life before the spaceship. I would later find out this was part of Frieza’s plan.

As I stated before, I was taken away at 3. When I was older I was finally told about my past, but my knowledge still is very limited. What I do know I’ll tell you now.

I was from a very high-class family on Planet Vegeta. During the Saiyan-Tuffle war my father fought alongside King Vegeta and was very helpful in the battle. Because of this, King Vegeta gave him a noble position within the kingdom, and we were quite wealthy.

When the King had his first son, Vegeta it was decided that an arranged marriage would take place in order to breed the highest class of warriors. I was born 5 years later and a date was set, I was to wed Vegeta on my 16th birthday when he was 21.

That never happened of course. When I was 3 I was taken from my family, and a few hours later the planet was blown up.

The rest of my childhood was in isolation as I stated before. I was kept in a room that felt like a jail. It had a few forms of entertainment, but I never saw much from this room apart from a training room 3 times a week. My room had a bathroom and a toilet attached, but there are only so many times you can go to the toilet and take a shower each day.

I had a caretaker come in 3 times a day just to clean up any mess, check if I’m ok and the alike. They never spoke to me much, as I would guess later on Frieza probably made sure nobody got attached to me. I also had a medical examination once a week, which would be made obvious later on why they were so frequent.

I only saw Frieza very few times in my childhood. He only saw me enough to instil fear into me, and for me to keep remembering he was in control, and was my ‘master’

However, he paid me a visit on my 16th birthday. The day I was meant to wed Vegeta.

This was the day I learned of my past, and what happened to my people. It was also the day I learned that I was kept aboard this spaceship for experimental purposes only. During my medicals, samples were frequently taken from me and it was made sure I was kept in great health.

While news like that may shock some, it gave me a little sort of pleasure inside. Since the age of 3 I had been kept in isolation with very little contact with anybody else. I had 13 years to ponder, and my existence was something I always pondered. I always thought my existence was just useless. To learn that I at least was serving a purpose made me happy.

This of course was Frieza’s master plan. He wanted me to always be a broken spirit, and to be glad and faithful to him. What he failed to realise was that I served him out of fear and not love.

After Frieza informed me of all this, I was allowed out of my room and was allowed to begin to associate with those on the ship. On one condition. I was to never see Vegeta or associate with him.

I agreed. After all, no loss there right? It’s not like I even remember him from when I was 3. We weren’t friends, and I would have been lucky to meet him maybe once.

Frieza did the right thing by not thrusting me into being social. I was slowly introduced to people, and was carefully watched to make sure I could handle being around people.

The first person I was introduced to was a member of Frieza’s elite, Zarbon. He was the first person I ever had a real friendly conversation with, and he was the one assigned to making me fit in with everybody else.

It took me about a year from going to somebody completed isolated in their room, to somebody who could walk the hallways of the ship peacefully without being spooked. While it may seem like a long time, I had literally seen very few people in my life and had barely interacted with them.

Even Frieza was surprised apparently, and stated he was very pleased with me.

Because of how shy and awkward I was to begin with, people said I was very modest. This was not the case, I had just never socialised before and didn’t know what to do or say. Eventually people started to name me Modesty. I had long ago forgotten my Saiyan name, and had never been told what my real name was. So now I went by the name of Modesty, something that may represent me well nowadays, considering I was still modest.

It had now been 7 years since then. I was able to now interact freely with everybody, as if I had never been isolated. I completed small missions for Frieza, but he still kept a tight grip on me because of the experiments. I began to detest him more and more each day for this.

Once I began to socialise, I became a real person again. The thought of being alive just for experimental purposes sickens me. But it’s better to be alive and hating my purpose, than to not be alive at all.