But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter eleven

Vegeta and Recoome were up next, much to Recoome’s delight that he was facing Vegeta.

I once again sat down, wanting to conserve my energy for when I actually did need to fight. However Vegeta called me out on that one.

“Foolish girl. Stand up. You are more aware of enemies standing and are more ready to enter a battle.” Vegeta hissed at me.

“Alright your highness.” I snapped back, rolling my eyes.

Vegeta was SO annoying. Usually I upheld my name of ‘Modesty’ and was very shy, quiet and modest. But Vegeta and his attitude were annoying me, mixed with this newfound freedom. He bought out the worst in me, and I did not like it.

“Vegeta stop flirting and start fighting!” Recoome snarled at Vegeta.

Vegeta then did not reply as he punched Recoome in the face, and the fight began. Vegeta looked like he would win to begin with, beating Recoome like crazy and firing some crazy energy blasts.

But all hope was lost when Recoome emerged from the dust, striking a pose. Then Recoome began to beat up Vegeta badly, to the point where Vegeta couldn’t even stand up.

I then could see something that was about to happen. It felt like time was passing by slowly. I saw Recoome grin widely as he turned to Vegeta. I could see the glee and the coldness in his eyes. He was going to finish off Vegeta.

I saw Recoome raise his hand to blast Vegeta and I went against my own wishes and dived towards Vegeta to get him out of the way. Gohan had the same idea, and luckily I dived in as well, as I was able to push them both from Recoome’s blast, which barely missed us.

“Thank you Modesty.” Gohan panted out.

Vegeta however, was not so grateful.

“You stupid girl and child! I do NOT want to be saved by those weaker than me!” Vegeta shouted at Gohan and I.

I rolled my eyes, choosing not to reply to Vegeta’s taunts.

Without warning, Recoome charged at Krillin, knocking him to the ground and making him seriously injured with just one blow.

I noticed Gohan began to power up.

“What are you doing? You’ll get yourself killed?” I asked, fearful for Gohan’s safety.

“I have to try. I won’t let them continue to hurt people.” Gohan said stubbornly.

Before I could argue back, he attacked Recoome head on. It was no use; Recoome threw Gohan away like a paper doll.

Gohan then quickly dodged Recoome’s attacks. I felt a bit of relief seeing how speedy Gohan was, but that wouldn’t be enough to win the battle. He could run, but he couldn’t hide forever.

Gohan then fired his own KI attack, but Recoome easily dodged the attack. Jeice and Burter exclaimed how surprised they were at Gohan’s strength, and I must say that I agree. But I secretly knew this battle would soon be over. Gohan was not strong enough to defeat Recoome, let alone Jeice and Burter as well.

Then I would be the only one left. I’d continue Gohan’s bravery, but I wouldn’t last half the time Gohan did. We were goners, and Frieza would know take over the universe.

I was right. Recoome began to beat up Gohan pretty badly with ease, leaving Gohan seriously wounded and like the other too, barely able to get up.

Even after throwing a few punches in, Recoome used the biggest attack he used yet: some kind of blast. This easily knocked Gohan. After giving Recoome one last punch, Recoome kicked Gohan with ease, knocking him out of battle.

“Stop! You can’t kill him. He’s just a kid!” I shouted, jumping in front of Gohan with my arms spread wide.

“And you think you can stop me?” Recoome smirked, sending out a chuckle.

“No, I don’t. But I can try! I’ve never known what my purpose in life was up until now. I’ve just been used for experiments for Frieza’s sick games. If I’m going to die, I’d rather die knowing my life’s purpose was to at least try and help this kid live, and help these people take down Frieza.” I shouted at Recoome.

“Aw isn’t this cute. She wants to give her life to save another. Too bad that isn’t going to happen today.” Burter said, stepping in.

“Yeah. Modesty, you’re too pretty and too useful to give your life up for this runt. Don’t worry. If you play nice we don’t tell Frieza you betrayed us. We’ll say they kidnapped you, and tried to turn you against us under duress. I’ll tell him I was your knight in shining armour” Jeice said, stepping in as well and grabbing my arm lightly.

“Just what I’ve always wanted.” I replied sarcastically.

Jeice seemed a little shocked by my sarcastic reply. Not intimidated, just a tad bit shocked. I had NEVER been sarcastic to anybody (But Vegeta, but that doesn’t count) I was always intimidated, shy and scared. It must have looked like I was a new person.

Jeice and Burter then grabbed my arms and held them behind my back. Not letting go, they flew into the air.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” I asked, kicking and screaming.

“Getting you out of the way so Recoome can finish off the child. Frieza wanted you back alive.” Burter explained.

I gave up trying to get out of their grasp. The more I kicked, the tighter they grabbed and it was beginning to hurt me. I also was losing energy too fast.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to witness the murder of such a peaceful child. Sorry kid, I tried I really did.

No blasts were heard. In fact a weird and unfamiliar noise filled the atmosphere. It was as if something had broken through the sound barrier and travelled here at the speed of light.

I opened up my eyes to see somebody new on the battlefield, in perfect condition.