But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter thirteen

Almost immediately, Burter and Jeice began to fight Goku. They were punching and kicking him with all their might, but it was having no effect on Goku. He was just standing there smirking the whole time.

“Wow, he’s just taking those hits!” Krillin exclaimed.

“He’s moving. You can see footprints.” Vegeta stated.

I looked to the ground around Goku. Vegeta was right, there were footprints, proving Goku must be moving. Wow, he was moving so fast you couldn’t even track his movements!

“Can you see him move?” Vegeta asked me to which I shook my head “Amazing, even a Saiyan’s sharpened senses can’t see his movement…”

Jeice then began to taunt Goku, begging Goku to punch him. Goku complied with Jeice’s wishes, punching him square on in the face.

This is when things began to heat up. Jeice called Goku a cheap shot, reminding me of Guldo screaming ‘cheater’ when he got beaten. When Jeice and Burter began to hit Goku again they easily got beaten up, heating things up. They finally realised Goku’s true power level, which had been hidden by the scouter.

They tried a ki attack on Goku, which he easily shielded himself from.

Jeice then threw another ki attack at Goku, who instead of dodging it this time, tossed it towards Burter. Burter unluckily avoided the blast, but got angry and began to hit Goku. Jeice entered the fight and copied Burter’s actions.

Then things got hilarious, as Goku slipped out of the fight, causing Burter and Jeice to hit each other. This made me laugh immensely, those fools.

Goku then finished up with Burter by using one of his moves to knock him out. Before he could use the same move on Jeice, Jeice had flown off presumably to find Captain Ginyu.

“Coward.” We all muttered at the same time.

Before we could all react, Vegeta had already flown over to Recoome and Burter’s passed out bodies. He quickly blasted them both, as they were defenceless, killing them instantly.

Goku then began to protest, with Vegeta calling him too soft.

“I’m against killing, but I think Vegeta did the right thing. The Ginyu Force has killed many innocent people, and wouldn’t have hesitated to kill us once they got into a rejuvenation tank.” I explained to Goku.

Goku looked at me, and then slowly nodded and dropped his argument. This made Vegeta roll his eyes.

“Now onto more important matters than killing off the weak. Frieza has already made his wish for immortality. We’re doomed, there’s nothing we can do.” Vegeta sighed.

Goku and Krillin disagreed with Vegeta. They both explained that when the dragon is called upon there is large thunder, dark clouds and raging winds. When I asked them how they knew, they went on to explain to me that a set of dragon balls on Earth existed, and that is what happened whenever they had made a wish.

“So how are we going to attack then? I think the only way to beat Frieza is for us to collect the dragon balls and wish for immortality.” Vegeta suggested.

“No, the best way to win and the most fair is for us to wish our friends back!” Krillin snapped at Vegeta.

Krillin and Vegeta began to snap their intentions back and forth, arguing for a while. This was going nowhere.

However, we all went silent at the same time. We could all feel two big powers approaching us.

Goku turned to Krillin, Gohan and I.

“Gohan, Krillin and Modesty. You three are to go find Bulma and find the dragon radar, and then go find the dragon balls from Frieza. Okay?” Goku asked us.

We all nodded, feeling relieved we wouldn’t have to face the two large power levels.

We saw Captain Ginyu land on the battlefield, and knew it was time to kick off and fly back to Bulma. As we were leaving we heard Goku and Vegeta join forces, which made me giggle. I hadn’t heard all of Vegeta’s hate rants towards Goku, but Vegeta was full of pride and liked to do things independently. He also didn’t seem like a huge fan of Goku.

“So, we’re going back to Bulma.” I mumbled, unhappiness evident in my voice.

I was still sore at that woman for coming onto Zarbon and being a complete idiot about it.

“Yep.” Krillin replied, and all was silent again.

It was obvious these two weren’t in the mood to talk, and rightly so. Their loved one was facing Captain Ginyu, Frieza’s strongest henchmen. We also had to snatch the dragon balls from under Frieza’s nose, a very fearful task of our own.

After a short while of silent flying we arrived at the cave where we were during Zarbon and Vegeta’s fight. We flew into the cave, but the cave was completely empty.

“She’s gone. Where could that woman have gone to? It’s not like she had anything to do.” Krillin said, sounding annoyed.

“Whatever she’s doing, she took her air-motorbike.” Gohan mumbled.

Krillin and I replied at the same time.

“How do you know?”
“What’s an air-motorbike?”

“Um, Modesty there’s no time to explain but it’s a mode of transport. Krillin, you can tell by the tire marks.” Gohan explained.

“I guess now we follow the tire marks to find Bulma. Way to make things difficult.” Krillin mumbled, and then we were off in the direction of those marks.