But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter fifteen

Luckily Krillin was able to get back up from such a heavy blow. He jumped to his feet, and then turned back to the duo.

“If it’s not already obvious, it’s Captain Ginyu.” I called out to Krillin.

Gohan then angrily jumped out from the rock, fire in his eyes. You could tell the kid was very angry that this imposter stole his father’s body and really, could you blame him?

Hell I was angry he took Goku’s body. I wasn’t well acquainted with Goku, but for Ginyu to just steal somebody’s body because it was stronger just showed plain laziness. I knew it was a Saiyan instinct, we all hated laziness with a passion and we worked hard. He stole a Saiyan’s body that worked hard because he was lazy.

Oh, and Goku was a pretty cool guy too.

Weirdly enough, when Ginyu started attacking Krillin, I was the one who jumped into the fight with my fists raised just a few seconds before Gohan could angrily jump in too.

I dodged a few of his hits, but he was still pretty quick. I got one punch into his…or Goku’s chiselled body, but it had no effect and probably hurt my hand more than I hurt Goku’s body.

As I pulled my hand back in pain, he smirked and gave one swift kick to my stomach.

I went FLYING, and was thrown against Frieza’s spaceship wall. Pain seared through my body on the impact, and I then slid down the wall and landed into a crumbled heap on the ground.

“Keep fighting guys.” I weakly coughed out, as Krillin and Gohan watched my injuries with horror.

They turned back to the fight JUST in time to dodge Ginyu’s attack. However they weren’t fast enough, as they both got hit. However, if they turned a millisecond later the hit would have been a lot harder.

During the fight, Ginyu was dominating the fight. Krillin and Gohan were defending themselves okay, but they had a few scratches on themselves, whilst Ginyu didn’t have any.

I was able to lean myself against the spaceship (Which took a lot of effort) to try and watch the fight. It was hard; pain was running across my body, I think my ribs were broken. It hurt just to breathe, so it was hard to concentrate.

I then noticed another person coming. The others were too busy fighting, but it was easier to just zone out and watch the sky than it was to concentrate on the sky. I tried to call out to the others, but I was too weak. My voice was barely above a whisper.

When the person landed with a ‘thud’ I could see who it was. Captain Ginyu. Which meant the person was

“Goku.” I croaked out, unable to say it any louder.

Because he didn’t have his heightened Saiyan senses he was unable to hear me, and had not noticed me yet. He had however, noticed Krillin and Gohan fighting Ginyu.

He confirmed what I told Krillin and Gohan, that Ginyu had taken over his body. Poor Gohan, he was distraught. At the confirmation of this, he began to burst into tears. I probably would have cried at his reaction if my body was able to, the poor little guy had been staying so strong throughout this entire counter but this was the thing to break his heart.

Goku then explained something to Krillin and Gohan that made sense. That even though Goku in his normal body was very powerful, Krillin and Gohan would still be able to defeat Ginyu because he hadn’t learned how to control and master the secrets of Goku’s body.

Ginyu just laughed at this, and began to power up to brush off Goku’s claims. However Jeice called out that Ginyu’s power level was only 23,000, which was apparently much lower than Goku’s power level before.

Krillin and Gohan began to fight Ginyu, but I suddenly became distracted again. My body was weak so my senses were weak, and I could only know feel a presence I had not felt before.

It then made sense.

Vegeta, who was powered up had come out of a hiding place and took a swing at Jeice.

Both battles went on ferociously. Captain Ginyu vs. Krillin and Gohan, whilst Jeice vs. Vegeta. They were both going along smoothly too, Krillin and Gohan had the upper hand with Ginyu, and Vegeta was dominating with Jeice.

Vegeta then powered up even some more, easily killing Jeice with a crushing blow.

Wow, thank god for Vegeta. He may be an a-grade asshole but at least he kills all the guys that are sleazes towards me.

However even though Vegeta had won his battle, the other battle was starting to go downhill. Ginyu WAS starting to learn how to control and master Goku’s body. He was now able to dodge Krillin and Gohan’s attacks with ease.

Vegeta flew into the middle of the fight to interrupt it.

“As a Super Saiyan, I challenge you to a fight Ginyu.” Vegeta spat at Ginyu.

Super Saiyan, whaaat?

Ginyu chuckled at Vegeta’s arrogance.

“I accept, prince.” Ginyu said, whilst he kept on chuckling.