But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter seventeen

As my eyes were tightly shut ready for the events of what happened when the bodies changed, I opened them once nothing happened. I looked around. Everything seemed normal; the beam of light had gone away.

I looked up at Vegeta. He was looking down with shock. I looked to where Ginyu previously was in the sky, but he was not there anymore.

I looked to the ground. Gohan and Krillin were also looking shocked, and that’s when I spotted him. Ginyu was on all fours, jumping around like a strange creature.

Vegeta then lowered us onto the ground, and placed me upon a rock. He then approached Gohan, Krillin and Goku.

Goku was helped up by Krillin and Gohan, who laughed off what happened and claimed he threw the ‘frog’ in front of the beam and that Vegeta owed him. Indeed, he did.

Vegeta ran after the frog…err Captain Ginyu and threatened to stomp on him. Goku made a joke about Vegeta finding someone his own size to pick on, and I fell off the rock laughing.

This Goku seemed like a great guy. Even after a traumatic experience he was light hearted and making jokes, and he had demonstrated earlier he has a pure heart and was against violence. Too bad he’s obviously taken, he would make a great mate to repopulate the Saiyan race.

Now there’s only Vegeta left. Urgh, as patriotic as I was before, if Vegeta is the answer to repopulating the Saiyan race I’d rather let it go extinct. Too bad he had to go and kill Raditz! Frieza had a good plan going on there.

Vegeta then approached Krillin, Gohan and Goku again, after letting Ginyu go.

“Destroying you three weaklings would be a lot like shooting fish in a barrel.” Vegeta cackled.

“You wouldn’t!” Gohan protested

“I can’t believe you’d be as low as to kick us when we’re down!” Krillin replied, disgusted.

“No, he won’t hurt us Krillin. Not if he wants to get his wish from the dragon balls.” Goku said, giving a small smile.

“Yeah! He won’t hurt you guys. He likes the thrill, and if did do anything to you guys I wouldn’t let him live it down that in order to defeat someone he has to do it the easy way.” I grinned, setting it in stone.

Vegeta chose to ignore me, and confirmed what Goku had said, and also stated he may need everybody’s power to take down Frieza.

Vegeta then came over to where I was, and picked me up off the ground.

“We must go inside. Take Kakarot with you. I’ll carry Nira in.” Vegeta said, carrying me in his arms as he flew to the top of the ship.

“It’s MODESTY!” I shouted in annoyance, not regretting the pain that washed over my body at this outburst.

Like always, he ignored me to argue with Gohan and Krillin about whether we should go in or not. They reluctantly agreed, realising that Vegeta wasn’t the enemy anymore and he had the resources to help them.

We made our way through the empty spaceship; the bodies of the soldiers that Vegeta had killed when he ‘rescued’ me were still there.

In the rejuvenation tank room, Goku had an outburst. He forgot his injured state and began freaking out about seeing a needle on the table, saying he felt frightened. I could sympathise with him, so that’s why I didn’t laugh or try and help him back in.

I was afraid of the rejuvenation tank. I’ve never been in one. In the small amounts of fighting I’ve done, Frieza made sure I was never hurt enough for a rejuvenation tank. I had no idea what happened, and I’d only caught brief glimpses of people in them. Would it hurt? Would I be able to breathe? Would I be conscious or just lapse out of consciousness as soon as I hit the water? I felt scared; not knowing what would happen to me was a very scary thought.

When Vegeta informed Goku that no needles would be necessary, Goku gladly hopped into the first rejuvenation tank. I still had no energy, so Krillin and Gohan helped me into the second one. Vegeta hooked up Goku with the necessary equipment (breathing mask, tubes etc.) and then came over to me.

“I don’t know why you were so willing to protect me before. You said it was relevant to our race to protect me. Our race doesn’t exist without you.” He exclaimed to me quietly, before hooking me up too.

What the hell? Gee thanks Vegeta, this is all I’m going to be able to think about whilst I’m healing.

As soon as I was hooked up, he closed the tanks and then pressed the dials to make them fill up with water. Even when the tank was full, I was still conscious. I couldn’t open my eyes because of the water, but I could still hear what was being said. Whilst the water did affect my hearing, because Saiyans had heightened senses I could still hear the outside.

Vegeta explained the processes of this tank to Krillin and Gohan, and then they left with Vegeta saying he was going to give them armour.

Then, everything went silent. The room was empty, except for Goku and I. We couldn’t exactly talk, we had breathing masks on.

It was just my thoughts and I for the next half hour or so.

Why did Vegeta bring that up? Why NOW? He’s obviously been thinking about repopulating the Saiyan race with me, EW! I’m sure our biology would be compatible with another species in the universe, maybe humans. They seemed pretty similar to us Saiyans. I’d rather start a new half bred race than have to breed with that selfish asshole!