But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter eighteen

During the last bit of my healing time I became a little impatient. From what I could see, the weather had changed instantly outside. Living my previous sheltered life I didn’t know much about weather (Living on a space ship in outer space my whole life) but after observing Namek for a long time, the weather never changed. It was always light, with a green sky.

From what I could see, it was dark outside. Dark clouds had gathered as if a big storm had come out of nowhere. I could hear thunder, and see flashes of lightening too. This is how Krillin described the rising of the eternal dragon.

At first I was confused. How were they making their wish? Vegeta was still inside. He was fast asleep in a room that joined onto this room, to be able to nap but be close by to Goku and I.

But then it made sense. The others had snuck out to make their wishes whilst Vegeta was still asleep. It was perfect! They’d be able to wish their friends back, and we wouldn’t have to worry about Vegeta being immortal.

Then the tank began to drain. I panicked when I heard the machine make noises, afraid of waking Vegeta. I jumped out as quickly as I could, and turned the machine off to make it shut up quicker.

I flexed my slightly toned arms. Wow, these tanks work GREAT. I’m completely rested, as if I’d had months of sleep. I’d say I’m back up to scratch and ‘back to new’ but I feel even stronger than I did before.

I grabbed a towel and began to wipe away the water, removing most of my clothing in the process. I had to get some armour onto me and join the boys ASAP.

I felt someone’s eyes on me, and I began to panic. Vegeta was still sleeping, right? I turned around, and the second I looked back at Goku’s tank his eyes quickly shut. He also had a blush on his face.

My face quickly reddened too. I was only wearing a bra and panties, having taken my other clothes off because they were wet and I needed to dry. No one had EVER seen me in such a state of undress since I was a baby. The most naked anybody had ever seen me was a skirt that was knee length, and a short sleeved t-shirt.

Despite my embarrassment, I knew I still had tasks to do. I quietly walked over to the room next to ours and shut the door. Vegeta was in there. I used a lock down code; something I had seen Zarbon enter on my door before but had never had the guts to use it myself. That would buy us seconds, and every second mattered to us right now. I also put a towel on the crack under the door. That would help sound proof the room, even just a tad.

“Bye Goku. See you soon.” I whispered to his tank, and then began sprinting in the opposite direction.

I had no idea which room the spare armour was in. Vegeta mentioned he was getting armour for Gohan and Krillin, so I’d have to just use my Saiyan senses.

Firstly, I looked at the dead bodies on the floor. Where they had been kicked aside and a path formed gave a good indicator of where Vegeta may have taken Gohan and Krillin.

I also smelled around. Where a lingering but not quite as strong as usual scent of Saiyan would show me the room.

My method worked. I wound up in a room, which had cupboards full of armour. It was the spare armour, I could tell that it was before armour got updated, but it was better than just going out in bra and panties. I could tell whatever faced me, I was better facing it in armour and as a warrior than a female trying to seduce.

I placed the spandex on, and looked at myself in the mirror. Hey, this body tight material doesn’t look bad on me at all.

I shook my head. Bad Modesty! Now is not the time to realise your life isn’t controlled anymore, and realising I have potential ‘assets’ to use to seduce men. You can’t go man crazy, now isn’t the time.

After this ordeal though, I’m SO going to a planet that will let me live it up. Maybe Earth, Earth has been described as a great place. If the guys are as great as Goku and actually available, it would be a great place to live.

I then grabbed the actual armour. I was pretty small, but there was NO way I’d be able to fit into this. It was so tiny! I can’t go wake Vegeta and ask how to put it on, and I didn’t want to go outside just yet.

I tried to just put my arms through, but then I realised something. It was stretchy. I laughed at my own stupidity and put the armour on.

I admired myself in the mirror one more time. Good Modesty, now you look like a warrior and not a seductress. It’s time to go play the part.

I was going to blast myself out of the ship, but then I realised I’d probably wake Vegeta. I sped through the corridors, and then exited the ship through the big hole Vegeta created.

I then looked around. WOW. Just a short distance away was the biggest dragon I’d EVER seen (Okay, the only dragon I’d ever seen. But still!)

I flew over, and landed next to Krillin, Gohan and a Namek child. I knew it wasn’t the best time for introductions, so I remained silent.

“Is Vegeta still napping?” Krillin asked me, as Gohan seemed to be saying something to the Namek child.

“He sure is. I shut his door, locked it and put a security code in. Even if he blasts his way out, it gives us more time. I also tried to sound proof his door as well as I could.” I beamed, proud of my efforts.

Krillin had no time to reply as the Namek child began to shout something in another language to the dragon. I guessed this must be the wish, as the dragon balls seemed to only respond to Namek language (needing a password and all)

The dragon’s eyes flashed, and he bellowed ‘your wish has been granted’

“So…whatcha wish for?” I asked Gohan and Krillin curiously.

“We’ve been talking to our friends from the other dimension, through somebody they know who knows telekinesis. Long story.” Krillin explained.

“Yeah, and they all agreed that our friend Piccolo should be wished back. If he’s alive, then Kami from Earth is alive, who is the guardian of the earth and the dragon balls. Basically, if Piccolo is alive then our dragon balls exist again. That way we can wish back ALL our friends, since this dragon couldn’t complete that wish.” Gohan then added.

I nodded, but then narrowed my eyes and looked in a certain direction.

“Frieza is coming. You better hurry your wish.” I snarled at them.

Krillin and Gohan then nodded in a panic, and turned to the Namek child. However before they could discuss the second wish, Krillin had the same reaction I had a few seconds ago. And I knew what it was too.

“Vegeta.” We both uttered at the same time.