But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter nineteen

“Hurry up and make the second wish.” Krillin urged the Namek child, who nodded quickly and once again spoke to the dragon in Namekian tongue.

The same processes were rolled out again, and we quickly learned their wish was granted. However, whatever it was they wished for had not gone to plan, as they seemed to worry about it.

“Oh no, we wished Piccolo to Namek and not this spot here!” Gohan said, and it became obvious to what they wished for.

This ‘Piccolo’ friend of theirs was wished to Namek, obviously to help this fight. They forgot to wish him to this specific spot, so he could be anywhere on the planet at this current moment.

“We have to hurry. Both Frieza AND Vegeta are coming. If we use up the third wish, to wish Piccolo to this current spot, we can make sure neither Frieza nor Vegeta get the wish themselves, and Piccolo will be right at this spot for whatever reason he wants.” I explained.

“That’s a great idea Modesty! Dende, can you wish for that?” Gohan asked Dende, who nodded.

However, before Dende could make his wish, Vegeta appeared.


He then shot out a few KI blasts towards me. I quickly jumped into the air, dodging them easily.

Wow, that’s weird. I’ve never been particularly speedy, yet I was able to dodge Vegeta’s attacks with ease. I had become stronger, but I had no idea how. It can’t have been that rejuvenation tank, it had never made anyone else stronger before, or Frieza would have his soldiers in there everyday.

“You can run but you can’t hide Nira. I’m going to KILL YOU ALL FOR BETRAYING ME!” Vegeta shouted.

“You betrayed Goku. You promised to help him fight the Ginyu force, yet you wound back at Frieza’s space ship whilst Ginyu stole Goku’s body.” I pointed out.

“You’re going first, girlie, you’re getting on my nerves the most. It’s a shame really; if our home planet wasn’t destroyed our offspring would have had some good qualities. Loyal to where their priorities lie, but ready to betray those who get in their way. But as it’s your prince you betrayed, you must pay.” Vegeta smirked.

“YUCK. Any offspring with you would be GROSS and have only bad qualities.” I exclaimed, disgusted at the thought of having an arranged marriage to this ass.

“Right, THAT’S IT. You can’t dodge my attacks forever!” Vegeta snarled, and then began shooting KI blasts at me again.

Like before, I easily dodged them all. But he was right, I couldn’t do this forever. I’d soon become tired.

“Wait! Vegeta! There’s one wish left. You can have it!” Krillin quickly said, and Vegeta stopped blasting me to face Krillin.

“So I can wish for immortality still?” Vegeta asked, and Krillin quickly let out a ‘yes!’

Vegeta let out a loud chuckle, and I rolled my eyes and landed next to Krillin, Dende and Gohan. I should look on the bright side, at least if Vegeta is immortal he can get rid of Frieza – the evil being who killed my people and left me to live a pointless life of slavery for my entire life.

“You should hurry up, Frieza is coming. I’d much rather you be immortal than him. Get revenge on behalf of your father, on behalf of mine. On behalf of all us ‘monkeys’ he destroyed.” I called out to Vegeta.

He sent me a smirk, his anger much melted away.

“You, kid. Ask the dragon to grant me immortality.” Vegeta snapped at Dende.

Dende looked at Gohan and Krillin, unsure of what to do.

“Dende, do it. Ask the dragon to grant Vegeta immortality.” Krillin sighed.

Dende slowly nodded, and turned to the dragon even though he looked like he really didn’t want to. Choking back tears, he began speaking in Namekian to the dragon, asking for the wish.

As soon as Dende asked for the wish, the dragon disappeared and the weather returned to normal. It was the third wish so that was meant to happen, right? The dragon however didn’t say ‘your wish has been granted’ or anything like that.

“Am I immortal? I don’t feel…any different.” Vegeta said, looking at his hands.

“Oh no…” Dende said, pointing to seven stones on the ground.

Seven stones. All the size of what dragon balls are. Is this what happens when the three wishes are used up? How do they all scatter though? Do they eventually scatter over time and when they are scattered enough they turn back to normal? This whole dragon ball business is SO confusing!!

“So did the wish work or not?” Krillin asked Dende.

“Guru…Guru died!” Dende sobbed, and began bursting out into tears.

“What does that mean?” Vegeta harshly asked Gohan, picking him up by the scruff of his neck.

“When the creator of the dragon balls die, the dragon balls cease to exist. It looks as if you didn’t get your wish.” Gohan angrily replied, and Vegeta dropped him.

He was silent for a few moments, but then his power rose exceedingly. I did not have a scouter nor possess the ability to be able to feel somebody’s KI rising like Gohan and Krillin did, but in plain sight you could see his power rising.

“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL FOR THIS! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” Vegeta screamed, as he was still powering up.

Our fear rose as his power rose. But we must save our fear for a greater threat, because as Vegeta was about to kill us, Frieza had arrived.