But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter two

I found it kind of weird that the cafeteria was empty. Something was up, I knew it was.

Sure the cafeteria had its peak times, and this time of the day was not one of them, but there were always a few groups of people in here. There were many races aboard Frieza’s space ship. Because of this, each race had different sleeping patterns, meaning the cafeteria always had people. There was also the factor that people were always in and out of missions, meaning that they would have to eat before they went or just before they got back.

Even the person who had fed me the slop had scampered off the second I sat down, so something was definitely up.

I ate as quietly as I could, and allowed my sharpened Saiyan senses to be aware of any possible danger that may arise.

I put my spoon down as soon as I heard people approaching. No conversation was exchanged, just voices.

Moments later in the doorway appeared Frieza, Dodorian and Zarbon. The plot thickens…

“Modesty, darling. Frieza would like a word with you.” Zarbon informed me.

I got up, bowed my head down and replied with a ‘Yes sire?’

I hated doing this, I really did. It took me to refrain every bone in my body not to blast Frieza, instead of this constant ass kissing. It was unnatural for a Saiyan to ass kiss, and he knew it. He loved the power he had over me, and the rest of my people before he blew them all up.

“My, my. What a sweet and well-mannered girl to go along with that beautiful face. Isn’t she beautiful Zarbon?” Frieza smirked at Zarbon.

Urgh, Frieza was so cruel. Couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tease both Zarbon and I.

It was no secret that Zarbon liked me. Whether he actually liked me or just screwed me was yet to be decided, but he felt some kind of lust towards me. Zarbon was a creep, and I wished I could ignore him. But he was one of the very few who were allowed in my room, or to speak to me for long periods of time. I was so lonely; I wasn’t going to pass up any opportunities.

“She is beautiful. Especially for a monkey.” Zarbon said, and Frieza burst out laughing.

I kept my eyes down, in fear of rolling my eyes in front of Frieza.

“Speaking of silly monkeys, it’s the reason I am here to speak with you Modesty. As you’re probably aware, your three fellow Saiyans have been missing for some time.” Frieza began.

“I guess I have noticed I haven’t seen Radditz and Nappa in a long time.” I shrugged, realising it for the first time.

“Radditz was killed by his brother and a Namekian on the planet Earth. Vegeta and Nappa heard through their scouters of a thing called the ‘Dragon Balls’ that are present on Earth. Those gave you any wish you wanted.” Frieza went to explain, but was cut off by Dodorian.

“I don’t know why you’re wasting your breath on this stupid monkey. She’s only here for experimental purposes and does not need to be aware of our affairs. She may be a high class Saiyan, but in your hierarchy she’s even lower than her Saiyan counterparts.”

My anger rose fiercely, even more than having to bow down to Frieza. Bowing down to Frieza went against my natural instincts; the statement that Dodorian said not only insulted my heritage, but me as a person. It also played on my biggest fears and annoyances in my life.

“Now, now Dodorian wasn’t that a bit mean? You hurt poor Modesty’s feelings. She should be aware of our plans to the fullest extent she can, after all she’s going to be playing a big role should the need arise, and she knows that she she’s not allowed to interact with the Prince of Saiyans, don’t you Modesty?” Frieza asked me.

I only sent a nod in response.

“Good. Now, as I was saying. Vegeta and Nappa headed off to Earth to obtain these dragon balls. During the process the dragon balls were exterminated, as well as Nappa, who was killed by his prince. We have found out that another set of dragon balls exist on Planet Namek, and we are heading there soon. Do you follow so far?” Frieza asked.

Once again, I only sent a nod in response. I was missing Radditz and Nappa.

Radditz was allowed to interact with me just as much as Zarbon was allowed to, and was the closest thing I had to a friend on this ship. I had already mourned for him, as it was made obvious he was never coming back from earth, but it was still hurtful to hear a confirmation of his death.

Whilst I wasn’t terribly close with Nappa, he was a good guy and was always very kind to me. It was sad to hear that the lost few of my almost extinct race were gone. If Radditz’s brother was still alive, and Vegeta was still alive, that makes only three of us left.

“Good. Now, Vegeta is probably going to head to Namek after he gets back too. This is where you come in. Vegeta has never met you, but he has a spot soft for you. I know he does. You are the only answer to repopulating the universe with Saiyans, and his marriage to you was something his father wished for greatly. Vegeta may not love you, but he would still do anything to uphold your safety. Do you understand what I am proposing?” Frieza said, once again his explanations turning into a question.

“I’m guessing that I will be used someway in order for you to get what you want, because I’m this Saiyan warrior’s weakness?” I replied meekly.

“Good girl, you’re quite bright. Yes, in the rare chance that Vegeta does pose a threat, you will be there to help me get my way.” Frieza confirmed.

“That’s good to hear sire, I’m glad I’ll get to go on my very first mission. But I am just wondering, if I am needed to keep Vegeta in line, is there a chance I would be hurt or possibly killed in the process?” I asked.

“No of course not, my girl. You’re playing an important role in my monarchy, your experimental purposes will be paying off for me very well in due season. You will be kept quite safe in this mission, perhaps more than you are here.” Frieza replied.

I let out a small sigh, and smiled as a response. I didn’t quite believe Frieza’s words, but what could I do? I’d get killed anyway if I refused to go, may as well take my chances.