But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter twenty

“Well, hello there.” Frieza coolly said, as he landed in front of Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan and I.

We all snarled at him, not liking his faux pleasantries.

As afraid as we were of Frieza and his power, we all shared a mutual hatred of this being. We were afraid, but we hated him enough to not back down.

He turned his attention onto me.

“Oh Modesty, you were such a sweet girl and a loyal servant. It’s too bad the dirty monkey has contaminated you, you have to go as well.” Frieza sighed.

“Vegeta is no dirty monkey, and neither am I. We were part of the best race out there, a race you were so fearful of you had to squash.” I shouted at him, my blood boiling.

“Exactly. Nira is correct. Her loyalties lie with those she should be loyal to. I have not contaminated her, I’ve only made her the wiser.” Vegeta added on.

“I will kill you both first to quash both your rebellion. It is not to be tolerated in my army, and you will pay for your turning against me. You think you’re so tough, but once I defeat you, you will see you’re nothing but dirty, pathetic monkeys,” Frieza said looking at Vegeta and I in disgust, but then turned to Krillin and Gohan “You two shall be after the traitors. I might have let you both live, but you ruined my chances at immortality, so you must receive the same fate.” Frieza coolly stated.

“I’ll gladly fight you first. But I don’t think I’ll be the one killed.” Vegeta stated, stepping up to the challenge.

Frieza smirked, but then began to power up.

I took a few steps back, frightened as hell. I admired Vegeta’s courage SO MUCH. Frieza was the strongest being in the entire universe, and even though Vegeta didn’t stand much of a chance against him, he’d rather die trying than die a coward. As much as I hate to say it, he made us Saiyans proud. Unlike me, who was frightened easily and ran from any confrontation.

“Guys, we have to help Vegeta. As sneaky as he is, he’s our ally at the moment. The more of us that are ready to fight, the more of a chance we have. We have to at least hold him off until Goku is healed.” Krillin stated to Gohan and I, as Frieza was powering up.

Gohan gave a tough nod, and then Krillin’s eyes fell onto me.

I looked at Vegeta. He wasn’t even preparing for the battle or looking nervous. He only looked impatient as Frieza was powering up. He was a true inspiration. He didn’t care about the odds; he just wanted revenge and Frieza to pay for killing off his race and enslaving him. The same thing Frieza did to me. I wanted Frieza to pay too.

“You’re right. We must defeat Frieza, no matter the odds.” I weakly smiled.

Without warning, Frieza finished powering up. He then began to shoot out blasts at Vegeta, however Vegeta dodged them with ease.

Krillin, Gohan and I seemed to have the same idea as we began to attack Frieza from behind. Sadly though, Frieza easily deflected our attacks as if he was expecting them.

Before we knew it, a beam was directed at us at high speeds. This was the end. It was too fast and powerful for us to dodge. At least we died trying and I’d be put out of misery. I’d no longer need to live under Frieza’s rule, which was something to be happy about.

At the last second, Vegeta appeared in front of us and deflected it. Gohan, Krillin and I exchanged looks.

“Thanks Vegeta.” I stated, but he just sent us a growl at our ‘weakness’

“I must commend you all for your bravery. I don’t think anybody has ever had the guts to stand up to me. Nonetheless I’m still going to kill you all here and now.” Frieza eerily stated.

“I’m going to have to disagree, Frieza. Both the Saiyan girl and the Saiyan kid have reached new levels and shall be hard to defeat. I’ve reached new levels too…I’m now a super Saiyan.” Vegeta stated.

This seemed to anger Frieza, as he charged at us with his fists raised. Before we could all panic for our safety, Vegeta effortlessly raised his own power and held Frieza’s fists back. He raised his power even more, and Frieza’s scouter broke from the overload. It was obvious that Vegeta and Frieza were actually equal in strength at this current moment.

Frieza realised this and broke away.

“My, you’re right Vegeta. You have increased in strength.” Frieza remarked.

“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Before I finished off that weakling Zarbon he revealed to me that you have different forms. Why don’t you hurry up and transform?” Vegeta snarled at Frieza.

We all gasped. Frieza has different forms and could only get stronger? Why was Vegeta encouraging him?! This was BAD.

“If you wish, Vegeta. However I must warn you, that once I transform I will be unstoppable. Here I go…” Frieza laughed, before taking a few steps back.

He then began transforming…but then stopped. He only grew a few inches taller, shattering the Saiyan armour he was wearing to reveal natural white armour.

“Come now Vegeta, do you really think you can defeat me? You should join me. Your strength is admirable and if you were to work for me you could defeat any enemy you wish.” Frieza stated, in an attempt to entice Vegeta.

“I only ever obeyed you to find the chance to destroy you. Now that I have the chance, why should I listen to you?” Vegeta snarled at Frieza.

“My, you’re quite like your father aren’t you? Too bad I’ll destroy you like I destroyed him.” Frieza coolly said, smirking at the end.

“I shall not back down. Not when you left the strongest Saiyan alive. You will be defeated.” Vegeta confidently stated.

Frieza frowned at this, and then continued with his transformation. He grew MUCH taller this time, and his horns on his head grew immensely. I wasn’t sure what his power level was going to be in this form, but I knew I would soon find out.
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OMG I haven't updated in MONTHS. I've been Digimoned out, but since I've nearly finished that series I'm going to start rewatching DBZ again :)