But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter twenty three

The battle was then resumed between Frieza and Piccolo. Piccolo was still evading all the attacks Frieza was throwing at him, and even taunted him for this.

Frieza was infuriated by this, and grabbed Piccolo roughly.

Then, something about Piccolo was revealed. He stated that on his way to the battlefield he came face to face with a dying Namek, Nail. He then fused with Nail in order to be the best competition for Frieza they could be.

Dende seemed delighted upon hearing this. It was obvious Dende and Nail were close, and although Nail would be living inside Piccolo, he was still alive none the less. He wasn’t disposed of at the hands of Frieza.

Upon revealing that he was now two inside of one, Piccolo began to power up immensely for an ultimate attack.

Angered at Piccolo, Frieza launched an energy beam at Piccolo. But Piccolo deflected it back at Frieza, hitting him head on.

He did it! A Namek had just defeated Frieza easily. That’s all it took! He was now gone forever!

I looked over at Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta. They looked the same as I did: astonished that Frieza was defeated so easily.

But he was gone, and we could all live in peace and rebuild our lives and…

Oh crap. Just as the dust was clearing, we were able to see Frieza. Alive. He had obviously blocked the attack at the last moment. Maybe Piccolo wasn’t able to defeat Frieza, and Goku would be our last hope.

Frieza and Piccolo continued to battle. Frieza still had the upper hand, easily being able to pummel Piccolo.

However, Piccolo then stood up and calmly removed his clothes. They fell to the thud, and it was made apparent he was using weighted clothes for training.

Piccolo then began to take some serious swipes at Frieza, now being the one dominating the fight.

“Go Piccolo! You can win!” Gohan shouted, and we all looked at him and nodded.

Gohan was right. After removing his weighted clothing and dominating the fight, Piccolo was sure to win against Frieza.

“You fools. None of you stand a chance. This may be my second transformation, but I still have not one, but two transformations left.” Frieza stated, cackling wildly at our shock.

I went silent and could not even look at the others, afraid of what Frieza was capable of. Piccolo however, was unphased by Frieza’s comment.

“Is that so? Well then, why don’t you transform. We’ll never know who is truly stronger if you don’t.” Piccolo calmly stated.

I was in shock. I couldn’t believe that Piccolo had said that.

However, what happened before my eyes shocked me even more. Frieza was transforming yet again.

He grew taller once again, and his arms and bulked up once more. But the scarier thing than his horrid and morbid screaming was the transformation taking place itself.

His face morphed and twisted to bunch together a lot more, which appeared in front of his large head that bulked out, growing larger with more horns. His armour also covered more of his body.

But the scariest part was his chilling voice, when he spoke up; it sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t. Partly because I knew I’d be blasted to smithereens if I ran away, partly because his voice made me paralysed in fear.

Piccolo showed no emotion to this new transformation of Frieza’s, and let the fight resume normally.

This time was different, though. It was made apparent instantly that Frieza now outclassed Piccolo in both speed and strength. Sigh, it was good thinking that we had a chance for a while, but there was no way Piccolo would be able to keep up with Frieza.

I covered my eyes, and tried to think of myself in a better place. But my thoughts failed. Why ‘happy place’ did I have to go? The only thing I’d never known was being locked up in a room, or doing stupid experiments. I didn’t know what happiness truly was; I had lived a sheltered life of fear and loathing.

So I instead watched everybody else carefully. Krillin and Gohan were looking at the fight, rage on their faces, snarls channelling that rage. Vegeta though, he was staring at the ground at Dende intensively. Creep.

Frieza took no time in his desire to finish Piccolo off. Using his finger, he shot many beams at Piccolo. It appeared Piccolo was unable to dodge them and things looked grim.

Like before, Gohan became enraged with Frieza again. And like before, he charged into battle, letting his anger get the best of him.

Still frozen in fear, I was only able to watch the events that happened before me.

Krillin went to follow in after Gohan, but before he could, Vegeta had stopped him.

“Beat me up, instead of Frieza.” Vegeta shouted out to Krillin


“What?! Why would you want me to do this? Is this some sort of trap?” Krillin asked, weary of Vegeta’s intentions.

Krillin was left puzzled, as was I. Why would Vegeta want to self harm?