But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter twenty four

“Saiyans get stronger every time they heal themselves fully when they were an inch away from death. It’s why I’m even stronger than I was on earth, it’s why Kakarot feels a lot stronger, and it’s why even Nira, the weak Saiyan girl, feels stronger.” Vegeta explained.

“Hey idiot! Don’t use the words ‘weak’ and ‘Saiyan’ in the same sentence if you don’t want to tarnish your race’s name. Moron!” I bitterly spat back at Vegeta.

“How would you heal?” Krillin asked Vegeta, weary of him.

“The Namek child seems to have the ability to heal. That way, if you beat me to an inch of death and he heals me, I will be stronger and will be able to fight Frieza. It’s our only chance.” Vegeta explained.

“That does make sense…it would explain why I feel like I’m stronger after going into the rejuvenation tank…but isn’t this plan stupid?” I asked Vegeta, folding my arms against my chest.

“Stupid girl, if I’m stronger I have a chance against Frieza. I’m the only chance, I’m the strongest and I’m the only one with the ability to get stronger.” Vegeta snarled.

“I’ll do it. He can hold off Frieza until Goku is healed. He’s right, he is our only hope.” Krillin sighed.

I just nodded my head and jumped back as I closed my eyes. As much of an ass as Vegeta was, I didn’t want to see him be hurt or be in pain.

I kept my eyes closed as I felt someone, probably Krillin tug me over to somewhere else. When we stopped, I opened my eyes to see Dende, the Namekian child, healing Piccolo.

Surely enough, Piccolo was healed after a few minutes and stood up, smiling proudly at Dende.

“What about Vegeta?” I asked Dende, cocking up an eyebrow.

His smile fell, and he shook his head strongly, his emotions on his face showing sadness and anger, and he was biting back tears.

“I left him over there! I can’t bring myself to heal someone who caused my people so much pain and despair!” Dende shouted.

I felt empathetic towards Dende. He was right; Vegeta slaughtered that entire village and wanted the dragon balls for selfish reasons. However, as much as I disliked Vegeta, I hated Frieza. Frieza was the enemy for now, and was the much larger threat. We needed Vegeta; we could deal with him later.

“Dende, I don’t like Vegeta as much as you do, but it’s necessary to heal him to defeat Frieza.” Krillin explained to Dende.

“Don’t see it as healing the person who brought terror upon your people. Look at it as a way of helping your people. It’s a way of defeating Frieza, and you helped directly. I promise we’ll all deal with Vegeta after this mess, Piccolo has even offered to battle him to the death. But for now, we need him healed to take down Frieza.” I added on.

Dende then focused his attention onto Piccolo, who only smiled and nodded before agreeing with both Krillin and I. Dende then made his way over to Vegeta, and began healing him.

“He saw Nail in me. That’s the main reason why he did it. Nail agreed with you.” Piccolo explained to me.

“That’s good.” I shrugged, unable to think of a better response.

“I agree with you though, when you said I’d take care of Vegeta.” Piccolo smirked, and I returned his smirk.

After Dende healed Vegeta, Vegeta kicked him aside and stated it was for ‘stalling’ for healing him.

Whilst everyone growled at the cruelty of his actions, I could only sigh sadly, shake my head and exclaim ‘Oh Vegeta…’

However this action was greatly overshadowed by the new transformation Frieza had taken whilst all of that was going on. He was now in his final form, and looked ready to fight like mad. Hopefully Vegeta could now take him.

“That was very strategic thinking, allowing the Namekian child to heal all of your wounds. However, I must make sure it doesn’t happen again!” Frieza snarled, and before we knew it, was hurling a beam of light from his fingertips in Dende’s direction.

It was so fast, that we didn’t see it coming, and we couldn’t move fast enough to get Dende out of the way.

Unfortunately, when the light faded, we could see Dende’s fried corpse left over. Frieza had tortured this poor child, just because he possessed a skill we could find useful.

Without warning, I launched myself at Frieza. I wasn’t just angry. I was infuriated. I don’t think I had ever been this angry.

Not even when I was a child, and was ripped away from my parents. Not even when he isolated me for thirteen years with minimal outside contact. Not even when he told me he had killed my people, ripped me away from my family and informed me I was only still alive for experimental purposes.

Perhaps it was just a build up of all my anger over the years that were being unleashed now, but I was infuriated that Frieza had taken away liberties of so many people, including this small child who posed no threat.

Krillin, Piccolo and Gohan must have felt the same way as they lurched towards Frieza at the same time I did.

Unfortunately for us though, this did no good. Even against the four of us, we couldn’t touch him; he was able to dodge us all with ease.

This went on for a short while, all four of us trying our best against Frieza, it being useless.

At the last second, being faster than the speed of light, Frieza shot a similar beam towards Gohan.

Luckily though, Vegeta decided to use his new found strength for good and knocked Gohan over, saving his life once again. It made me smile just a little, Dende’s efforts were not in vain, as it saved Gohan’s life.

“You four fools should step back, with my new strength I will fight Frieza alone. You will all just get in the way.” Vegeta declared.

“Vegeta no! You must be careful. He’s so god damned powerful!” I cried out.

“Aw, what do we have here? The princess has fallen in love with the prince, it seems?” Frieza evilly cooed.

“Technically, I wasn’t a princess as my family were nobles, but not royal. That, and I’m not in love with the guy. I just don’t want somebody on our team dying. So both your statements are incorrect.” I replied, being annoyed with his statement for some unknown reason.

“You should shut your mouth and enjoy the little time you have left little girl, as I’m disposing of you after Vegeta.” Frieza stated.

I just huffed in an annoyed fashion and sat down to make sure I wasn’t really in Vegeta’s way.

I knew I was annoyed by Vegeta and most things he did. He was definitely evil and selfish. But something inside me made me worry when he was going to fight Frieza, and I couldn’t bear to see him hurt. I had no qualms about Piccolo fighting Frieza, and didn’t seem to feel the same worry and fear when I saw Piccolo hurt.

But with Vegeta, I couldn’t stand either of those things.

I don’t like this feeling.