But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter three

Zarbon was in me with my room helping me pack.

It wasn’t just ‘out of the goodness of his heart’ (although I knew he didn’t mind being here) he was here to help guide me with my packing.

Frieza always had strict orders when it came to me. Whilst he barely enforced them himself, his elite subordinates were told how to enforce their authority on me, and the rules when it came to myself.

So of course Zarbon, the main subordinate in charge of me knew everything I could and couldn’t do.

Even though my rules relaxed a bit once I turned 16 and I was allowed to venture outside my room, I still had quite strict rules.

Such examples include:

- I was usually told in advance what I could wear that day. I had somebody wake me up each morning, who would check if I was wearing what I was told to wear. However usually the clothing rule was a lot more relaxed if I was seeing Zarbon or Radditz that day. I understood Zarbon, but why Radditz? He was a lower class Saiyan, and not very important in Frieza’s hierarchy. I never got why he had the same powers over me as Zarbon.

- At most times I usually had to have someone accompany me. This didn’t apply all the time, but a lot of the time

- I was only allowed in certain areas of the ship at certain times

- I always had to have a security device on me

- And of course the most obvious: was never allowed to have ANY kind of contact with Prince Vegeta. EVER. I had never seen him; I have no idea what he looks like.

Those are just a few examples of the strict rules enforced upon me. There’s probably a hundred more. But this is why Zarbon had to be with me while I packed, to give me the ‘ok’ on what I could take and what I couldn’t take.

I held up a very conservative robe to Zarbon, it was something I was made to wear regularly and knew I’d have to wear it on this trip.

“Babe, don’t worry about it. Frieza told me specifically to tell you to wear very revealing clothes. He said it might be necessary for this whole Vegeta plan.” Zarbon replied.

“Are you sure? That’s very unlike Frieza to say.” I said suspiciously, noting that Zarbon was a perv.

“Modesty, please. Frieza would have my head if I gave out misleading information to you. He knows you’re a good girl who follows orders. That’s why he has always admired you above the other monkeys.” Zarbon said.

“I guess. The thing is, I don’t really own any revealing clothing. I own a few skirts from when Frieza said I could see Radditz, but even those are fairly long. I don’t own a single dress, and all my shirts cover up everything.” I said to Zarbon.

“Pack all your skirts, and all your tops. I’ll have a word with Frieza later, I’m sure he would give you some new clothes for this mission. We have to have you looking your best at all times, we’ll never know when you will be needed. Besides, it should be a crime to have that beautiful body of yours hidden.” Zarbon smirked.

I shrugged, and said no reply as I threw in all my skirts and tops into my large bag.

As I began packing my other things, I noticed that Zarbon had turned off my communication screen. While the screen was used to communicate to us, the screen also served as another way for Frieza to monitor everybody on board.

“What are you doing?” I asked Zarbon, panicking.

“I’m one of the very few who has the power to turn off the communication screen. Frieza won’t mind, I promise.” Zarbon informed me.

“Okay, but why did you turn it off?” I asked him.

“Take a seat. I think there’s something we both need to discuss.” Zarbon said, as he sat on my bed.

I followed suit, sitting on my bed. However I tried to sit as far away as possible from him, he was making things really awkward.

“Have you ever been kissed?” Zarbon asked.

“Um, no? Why would I have been kissed? Frieza would have my head, and also have the head of the person I was kissing.” I asked suspiciously.

“It’s just. Well. I thought maybe Radditz kissed you.” Zarbon stated.

“WHAT THE HELL? Why was Radditz soooo important in my life?! He was a lower class Saiyan, and scum to Frieza. Why was he so important?” I asked, banging my head on the wall.

I was SO sick of stuff like this regarding Radditz always coming up. I did not KNOW why it did, and I did not CARE considering Radditz was just a friend, and nothing more.

“If I gave away those plans, Frieza would care. However, haven’t you ever wondered what it’s like to kiss somebody? To feel such passion upon your lips?” Zarbon asked curiously.
“Of course I haven’t. I’m a Saiyan. As much as Frieza has tried to stomp it out of me, my passion is fighting and being a warrior, not codswallop like romance.” I replied.

“Well, would you like to?” Zarbon suggested, coming closer to me.

“No, not really.” I said, backing away as much as I could without falling off my bed.

I knew I was stuck when I reached the wall. Zarbon knew this too. His grin grew widely. He landed right next to me, and began to stroke my hair.

“Zarbon, this isn’t right. If I’m supposed to take my first kiss seriously, this isn’t the way to go about it.” I squirmed, as he was taking his sweet time to kiss me.

“I thought you were a big tough Saiyan, who didn’t believe in romance.” Zarbon sniggered.

I gulped. He was right. I did say that. I’m a Saiyan, and I will go down fighting. If I must take a beating, I will take it with pride knowing I fought my hardest. That, and it’s just a kiss. I stand by what I said, Saiyans don’t believe in romance.

As I was about to kiss him, the door flew open. There stood a very unhappy Frieza.

“Zarbon! Why did you turn off this girl’s communication screen?” Frieza barked at Zarbon.

“Lord Frieza! The girl, she begged me to!” Zarbon quickly defended.

“What? And you, the great Zarbon turned off a tiny monkey’s screen? Luckily I’ve had this room bugged since she was a child to prove otherwise. I need to speak to you, alone.” Frieza seethed, and it seemed so cold that even I was frightened.

“As for you Modesty, do not worry about packing here, let me do it for you.” Frieza said, turning to me.

He then pointed his finger at my bag. I could see energy come out of his finger, and seconds later my bag was filled with clothes and toiletries.

I looked inside, the outfits did seem well, skimpy. And there were a lot of perfumes and other nice smelling stuff. How would this stuff attract Vegeta if the need arose?

“You’ll find out in good time.” Frieza said, as if reading my mind.

Then he and Zarbon left my room swiftly, leaving me to bask in my thoughts like I did for most of my day.