But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter five

The male was standing at the edge of the mountain, looking over to see what Frieza and Zarbon were doing. I stayed well hidden. I wasn’t afraid this time; I was just trying my best not to be seen.

“If I am going to get away, I will need to swim away. If I fly I will surely be seen. I don’t think I have the time, energy or patience in forcing the likes of you to come along. So choose now girlie, would you like to be a prisoner of Frieza forever, or follow me?” The male asked.

I thought about it, and knew I had to make my decision quickly. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, and I longed for the challenge. Getting caught was such a thrill. Besides, it was this male with the dragon balls at the moment and not Frieza. It almost seems safe to go with him.

“I’ll go with you!” I quickly replied.

“Okay girlie. Take a deep breath, I hope you have the Saiyan instinct of being able to hold your breath underwater, because if you drown or go up for air I won’t wait around and save you.” The male growled at me.

Why did I choose to go with this guy again?

We both quietly walked into the water, and went down enough so that our heads were the only body parts not submerged in water. We then both took deep breaths, and went underwater.

I followed the guy, and I followed him well. One of my reoccurring experiments was being able to hold my breath for long periods of time. I could swim fairly well as well, one of my previous experiments being vigorous swimming.

He continued going, even though we were far away from the spaceship. It was obvious that the male was now looking for something, and all my money would be on the dragon balls.

After what seemed like eternity swimming, the male began to swim upwards. I followed closely, feeling happy that I’d finally be able to breathe some fresh air.

We both emerged from the water, and took a minute or two taking in deep breaths.

“I must admit, I’m impressed girlie. I didn’t think you’d manage that swim.” The male smirked at me.

I just smiled as a response, still feeling incredibly shy around a new person. Most people on Frieza’s ship haven’t spoken to me this much in a lifetime. I had known this guy for a short time; I was usually prohibited from even getting this close to anybody.

I ignored the man’s monologues to himself, as I sat down next to the dragon balls.

A noise was heard above us. Above us, was another person flying with a dragon ball. The man I was with took no hesitation in flying after this new person, not even looking once at the 5 dragon balls or me.

I contemplated following him. I was probably a sitting duck with 5 dragon balls, so I’d go with the male. Besides, I’d receive some kind of protection at least should I go with him.

I kicked off the ground, and flew full speed until I reached the man.

“I didn’t think Frieza would have allowed you to fly, the tight grip he held on you and all.” The man snorted, when he realised I was still following him.

“No, he didn’t allow it. Somebody who is now deceased taught me in secret. He said it would come in handy one day. It did.” I beamed.

“That weakling!” The male replied.

I had no idea who he was referring to by saying ‘that weakling’ so I just ignored the male as we followed this random person with a dragon ball.

“Don’t look behind us, it’ll only slow us down. But Zarbon is behind us.” The male shouted at to me.

“What? Oh no! He’s going to get us!” I whined loudly, and the fear that rose in me began to slow me down.

“Oh for gods sake woman! Is there anything you’re not afraid of!” The man angrily ranted, once again grabbing my waist and speeding off with me.

“Food? I like food.” I grinned.

The man let out an annoyed growl, as he sped off following this other person.

Suddenly, the person in front of us began to descend and landed. The male took no hesitation in dropping down and landing where the person before us just landed.

It was then that I took a good look at them. They looked kind of like Saiyans, but were less bulky and had different features? There was a very pretty female, with light blue hair and gorgeous blue eyes to match. Next to her, was a short man who was completely bald.

They both looked absolutely shocked and scared at our presence. I felt for them, I knew what it was like to be scared when someone you were terrified of dropped in.

“Well, well, well. Looks like I found some Earthlings with a dragon ball and no help whatsoever.” The male cackled.

“What’s an Earthling?” I asked the male.

“…shut up.” He replied back at me.

“It’s Vegeta! And he bought along his Saiyan girlfriend!” The female screamed.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY HIS NAME WAS?!” I replied, shocked.

No way, it couldn’t be him. No. I would have figured it out by now.

“Ah, found you Vegeta. Looks like I’ve found both things Frieza was looking for. Don’t worry Modesty babe, I’ll save you from the big bad monkey.” Zarbon arrogantly said, landing in front of us.

He just said…no way. This is Prince Vegeta? This was the guy I have been placed under strict orders to never stumble across in my life? THIS pig was the man I was meant to marry?

It was so obvious when you think about it. No one else would resent Frieza, or think so highly of Saiyans, than the Prince of Saiyans himself.