But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter six

“Ooooh! You can save ME good looking! Look Krillin he’s so good looking he’s obviously here to save US from the big bad Vegeta!” The girl squealed, obviously instantly feeling attracted to Zarbon. Yuck.

“On seconds thoughts, I don’t want to know what an Earthling is.” I commented to Vegeta, who snickered.

“No Bulma! Zarbon is a bad guy. He’s evil, he’s one of Frieza’s henchmen!” The bald guy, obviously ‘Krillin’ protested.

Phew. At least he knew Zarbon’s true colours.

Zarbon and Vegeta then began to argue over both me and the dragon balls, but mostly the dragon balls.

Knowing this was going to get violent, and I slipped away from next to Vegeta and made my way next to the earthlings, which were a safe enough distance away from the pair but close enough you could see and hear all the action.

“I think we’re in big trouble, Frieza’s henchmen is here as well as Vegeta. Two evil guys!” Krillin moaned.

“I’m in trouble because I’m in LOVE!” The blue haired woman dreamily sighed.

“You know Bulma, I really don’t think this guy is here for a date.” The Krillin guy informed the blue haired woman – whom I now knew was named Bulma.

“Do you think he would go on a date with me?” Bulma asked, sounding hopeful.

I stopped listening in, and decided to enter their conversation.

“Sure he would. Subtract Vegeta, me and being on a mission from Frieza from the equation, and I’m sure he would notice you.” I shrugged, being truthful.

“Oh my god! Do you think he’s noticed me yet?” Bulma squealed.

“I’m sure he has Bulma. Just not in the way you’d like.” Krillin muttered.

“Well if the Saiyan girl who obviously knows Zarbon thinks he’s noticed me then he’s noticed me! You don’t know ANYTHING Krillin!” The girl shouted at Krillin.

I sighed and sat down. This woman was REALLY pissing me off, how annoying. Besides, Vegeta and Zarbon would exchange unpleasant greetings, insult each other for a while and then fight. There was no point in standing up for this.

“YOOHOO! Thanks for coming to RESCUE ME!” Bulma shouted at Zarbon.

“Haha, idiot.” I heard Vegeta mutter.

Bulma obviously didn’t hear him, but I began to crack up laughing. Vegeta was a jerk, but he was so correct in that statement that I had to laugh at it.

Vegeta and Zarbon continued to talk. I don’t think the Earthlings could hear, as they seemed unphased by what was being said. But my heightened Saiyan senses made it easy to be heard what was being said.

Zarbon was asking Vegeta to tell him where the dragon balls were, and to hand me over again. Vegeta stated that I followed him there, and it was no concern to him whether I went back with Zarbon or not. So Zarbon asked Vegeta where the dragon balls were, but Vegeta refused to tell.

“Well. Get on with your little transformation then.” Vegeta chuckled.

Transformation? What? Zarbon could transform? I did not know this.

As I began to get nervous, it dawned on me. I wanted Vegeta to win this fight. Zarbon was a creep, and he was everything that represented my freedom being taken away from me. He was Frieza’s right hand man, and one of the only few I was allowed to talk to. Vegeta was taking on Frieza, and by battling Zarbon and winning he would be closer to defeating Frieza.

Vegeta and Zarbon then flew into the air, and started attacking each other. Bulma sighed ‘my herooooo!’ and Krillin complained. This Krillin guy doesn’t seem so bad, he seems to be logical.

They were mostly throwing punches and KI blasts, and when a KI blast would miss there would be a big explosion.

“Hey Bulma! Now is our chance, let’s run!” Krillin said to Bulma.

“But he said he’d kill us if we tried to escape!” She screamed, and then her eyes landed on me.

“We’re dead anyway if we don’t get out of here so COME ON!” Krillin shouted at Bulma, as they ran off.

I stayed still. I knew Vegeta would sense them running away and would stop them. If I could sense an attack was going to miss and come near me I’d just quickly move away.

I was correct. Vegeta sensed them moving, shouted “GOING SOMEWHERE?” and began to blast them both repeatedly.

They decided to stay still, and then I decided to join them again. They were a safer distance from Zarbon and Vegeta than I was, and right now I’d rather be with company than be alone.

They said nothing as I rejoined them; they were still shaking and in shock from Vegeta’s attack on them.

Vegeta and Zarbon landed on the ground and began to stare down each other for a while in complete silence.

Zarbon then went to kick Vegeta, but Vegeta dodged and flew up, laughing at Zarbon.

Then Zarbon did the transformation thing that Vegeta was talking about. His body size became bulkier, and a lot scalier. His face became bloated, and he looked like a lizard and an alligator put together.

Krillin and Bulma began to shake, obviously frightened of this new appearance. I was frightened, just disgusted.

“He turned into a monster! So much for that date.” Bulma sighed sulkily.

He didn’t turn into a monster. He’s always been a monster. Now his inside personality is reflected on the outside.
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Obviously dialogue will not be verbatim from the series. It's been adjusted to fit in with the extra character and storyline added. That, and I don't remember it verbatim ;)